

字词 巴甫洛夫


Ivan Petrovich Pavlov


Ivan Pavlov. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Pavlov


巴甫洛夫(Ива́н Петро́вич Па́влов,1849 —1936),俄国生理学家,高级神经活动生理学的创始人。巴甫洛夫生于俄国中部的梁赞镇,早年在神学学校受中等教育,1870年入彼得堡大学学习化学及生理学,1875年获硕士学位,1876—1878年在军医学院学习生理学,1879年获医学博士学位。1901年当选为彼得堡科学院通讯院士,1907年当选为俄国科学院通讯院士,1924年起领导建立在科尔土施村(后改名为巴甫洛夫村)的生理研究所。巴甫洛夫早期主要从事血液循环生理和消化生理研究,因对消化生理的研究而获1904年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。此后,他长期从事大脑两半球机能活动的研究,创立了高级神经活动学说。他把谢切诺夫的反射论思想发展为条件反射学说,阐明了有机体借助于信号作用才得以适应复杂多变的外界环境的机制。巴甫洛夫在后期研究中提出了关于两种信号系统的学说,试图用第二信号系统概念表示人所特有的语言和抽象思维能力,说明人和动物的本质区别。他的高级神经活动学说为现代唯物主义哲学提供了科学根据,特别是对研究反映论具有重要意义。巴甫洛夫的主要著作有《消化腺机能讲义》(1918)、《动物高级神经活动(行为)客观研究二十年经验·条件反射》(1923)、《大脑两半球机能讲义》(1927)等(廖盖隆,1993:385)。




1. 根据彼得格勒苏维埃的呈请,建立一个由马·高尔基同志、主管彼得格勒高等学校的克里斯季同志和彼得格勒苏维埃管理局局务委员会成员卡普伦同志组成的具有广泛权限的专门委员会,责成该委员会在最短期间内为巴甫洛夫院士及其助手的科学工作创造最良好的条件。——《列宁全集(第四十卷)》,1986:261

1. To set up, on the strength of the Petrograd Soviet’s proposal, a special commission with broad powers, consisting of Comrade M. Gorky, chief of Petrograd’s institutions of higher learning, Comrade Kristi, and member of the collegium of the Petrograd Soviet’s Administrative Department, Comrade Kaplun; whose task is to create, as soon as possible, the best conditions to ensure the research work of Comrade Pavlov and his associates. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 32), 1973: 69.

2. 20年来科学研究成果的科学著作精装本,并且规定该文集在国内外的版权归伊·彼·巴甫洛夫院士本人所有。——《列宁全集(第四十卷)》,1986:261

2. To authorise the State. Publishers to print, in the best printing-house, a deluxe edition of the scientific work prepared by Academician Pavlov, summing up the results of his research over the past twenty years, leaving to Academician I. P. Pavlov the right of property in this work in Russia and abroad. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 32), 1973: 69.

3. 责成工人供给委员会发给巴甫洛夫院士及其妻子特殊的口粮,其数量按热量计算应当等于两份院士的口粮。责成彼得格勒苏维埃保证巴甫洛夫教授及其妻子所居住的住宅归他们终生使用,并且为该住宅以及巴甫洛夫院士的实验室安装最好的设备。——《列宁全集(第四十卷)》,1986:261-262

3. To authorise the Workers’ Supply Commission to issue to Academician Pavlov and his wife a special ration equal in caloricity to two academic rations. To authorise the Petrograd Soviet to assure Professor Pavlov and his wife of the use for life of the flat they now occupy, and to furnish it and Academician Pavlov’s laboratory with every possible facility. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 32), 1973: 69.


例句 1:
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov has put forward a theory of two signal systems in 1932. The theory essentially distinguished human beings’reflex activity of brain from the animal’s. Pavlov considered the reflex response which stimulated by real objects as the first signal system. The second signal system has build upon the first signal system during our daily life. That is to say,the second signal is the signal of the first signal. It is represented by our language, literature, speech, etc. And it is effable, audible or visible.

All of Chows endeavors exemplify the importation of Pavlov's theory through the English version.

In the initial stage (1950s) of the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the Pavlov's theory played an important influence on Chinese biology and medical science fields. At that time, many schools or





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