

字词 科学精神


spirit of science; scientific principle


[2]Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 422.


科学精神是人们在长期的科学实践活动中形成的共同信念、价值标准和行为规范的总称。科学精神就是指由科学性质所决定并贯穿于科学活动之中的基本的精神状态和思维方式,是体现在科学知识中的思想或理念。它一方面约束科学家的行为,是科学家在科学领域内取得成功的保证;另一方面,又逐渐地渗入大众的意识深层。是有坚持力、不怕困难、不辞辛劳、勇于创新的精神(科学精神.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/479155.htm)。实事求是是科学精神的核心,开拓进取是科学精神的活力。坚持以科学的态度看待问题、评价问题而不借用非科学或者伪科学的手段叫科学精神。还要有创新精神。人类对科学精神的追求体现在诸多方面,非严格的说来它可以包含以下内容:第一,理性精神。科学活动须从经验认识层次上升到理论认识层次,或者说,有个科学抽象的过程。为此,必须坚持理性原则。第二,实证精神。科学的实践活动是检验科学理论真理性的唯一标准。第三,求实精神。科学须正确反映客观现实,实事求是,克服主观臆断。第四,求真精神。在严格确定的科学事实面前。科学家须勇于维护真理,反对独断、虚伪和谬误。第五,探索精神。根据已有知识、经验的启示或预见,科学家在自己的活动中总是既有方向和信心,又有锲而不舍的意志等(科学精神.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v46919.htm?fromTitle=科学精神)。


[1]科学精神.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/479155.htm
[2]科学精神.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v46919.htm?fromTitle=科学精神


1. 广大青年科技人才要树立科学精神、培养创新思维、挖掘创新潜能、提高创新能力,在继承前人的基础上不断超越。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:128

1. Young scientists and engineers should be dedicated to science, develop innovative thinking, tap innovative potential and enhance innovative ability. They should continue to push ahead while learning from previous generations. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 141.

2. 谋事要实,就是要从实际出发谋划事业和工作,使点子、政策、方案符合实际情况、符合客观规律、符合科学精神,不好高骛远,不脱离实际。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:381

2. Being earnest in making plans means that leading officials should take facts as the basis for work planning, ensure that all ideas, policies and plans are in line with actual conditions, objective laws and scientific principle, and avoid being overly ambitious and divorced from reality. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 422.


例句 1:
Promoting scientific spirit is one of the most important tasks in science and technology area, and cultivating students’ scientific spirit is the core for science education. 

例句 2:
Spiritually expound the humanistic significance of scientific values and analyze the relationship of scientific spirits and humanistic spirits. confirm that scientific spirit is a branch of humanistic spirits and analyze the status quo of china and establish that humanistic spirit including scientific spirit must be encouraged in order to welcome the approach of the knowledge economy.

例句 3:
Today, when the topic of era is to revitalize the nation through science and education, it is becoming an urgent problem how to carry forward scientific spirit for it has been related to the construction of the cultural environment of the science technical development.





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