

字词 科学发现


scientific discovery


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 509.


科学发现是指科学活动中对未知事物或规律的揭示,主要包括事实的发现和理论的提出。科学活动中对未知事物或规律的揭示,主要包括事实的发现和理论的提出。科学发现是一切科学活动的直接目标,重要事实或理论的发现也是科学进步的主要标志。这两类发现又是互相联系、互相促进的。例如,19世纪末以来,电子、X射线、放射性等发现促成了原子结构和原子核理论的建立,而后者又推动了各种基本粒子的发现,为粒子物理学的诞生作好了准备。重大的科学发现,特别是重大理论的提出,往往构成某一学科甚至整个科学的革命(科学发现.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v64570158.htm?fromTitle=科学发现)。科学理论的发现是创造思维的结果,它往往求助于直觉、想象力的作用,这就必然要涉及科学家的文化素养、心理结构甚至性格特征等复杂的个人因素,有时还往往具有很大的偶然性。但这并不意味科学发现毫无规律性可循。科学史上有大量所谓“同时发现”的记载,说明任何发现归根结底都是在一定社会文化背景中的社会实践和科学自身需要的产物,特别是事实的发现往往直接受到社会生产水平和仪器装置制造技术的制约。因此,科学发现在科学发展的总进程中是必然的,合乎规律的。它具有自己的“逻辑”,有人还明确地称之为科学发现的逻辑。这种“逻辑”有别于单纯从事实归纳出理论或者从理论演绎出事实的形式逻辑(科学发现.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=bpjWxKaj46-unKZdaWoZQH1C0qyMIfxZJJ-yUAiRW1_wY7WfOHHtpSAQ126XejmlgPnS6iqDZFKTVdWoi-uJIDxp3qq_C_niBJDzduHJDdm)。


[1] 科学发现.via:
[2] 科学发现.via:


1. 当有人证明绝对的批判所杜撰的“最新的”科学发现只不过是重复早已是人所共知的观点的时候,它就感到很恼怒。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:113

1. Absolute Criticism feels offended when one of its intended “latest” scientific discoveries is betrayed as something already generally recognised. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 89.

2. 归纳和分析。在热力学中,有一个令人信服的例子,可以说明归纳法如何没有权利要求成为科学发现的唯一的或占统治地位的形式:蒸汽机已经最令人信服地证明,我们可以加进热而获得机械运动。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:571

2. Induction and analysis. A striking example of how little induction can claim to be the sole or even the predominant form of scientific discovery occurs in thermodynamics: the steam-engine provided the most striking proof that one can impart heat and obtain mechanical motion. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 509.

3. 在现代生产状况下,人的劳动力不仅仅在一天里能生产超过它本身具有的和消耗的价值;而且随着每一个新的科学发现,随着每一项新的技术发明,劳动力的一天产品超出其一天费用的那个余额也在不断增长,因而工作日中工人为偿还自己一天工资而工作的那一部分时间就在缩短;另一方面,工人不得不为资本家白白工作而不取分文报酬的那部分时间却在延长。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷)》,1965:242

3. It has, namely, the peculiar property of being a value-creating power, a source of value and, indeed, with suitable treatment, a source of more value than it itself possesses. With the present state of production, human labour power not only produces in one day a greater value than it itself possesses and costs; with every new scientific discovery, with every new technical invention, this surplus of its daily product over its daily cost increases, and therefore that portion of the labour day in which the worker works to produce the replacement of his day’s wage decreases; consequently, on the other hand, that portion of the labour day in which he has to make a present of his labour to the capitalist without being paid for it increases. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1990: 200.


例句 1:
Studies on scientific discovery is an important issue in Science and Technology Studies(S&TS).From traditional perspective, scientific discovery is believed as an objective fact which occurred naturally, the status of discovery is only determined by its original text.

例句 2:
Interpretation power of scientific discovery is one kind of discourse power. in the post-academic era, there is the phenomenon of interest in scientific discovery which lead to rent-seeking chance from the interpretation power of scientific discovery. 

例句 3:
Analyzing scientific discovery semantically, or researching the activities of scientific discovery themselves historically, we will find that, despite the social, historical, and psychological properties, scientific discovery is actually a logical process of generating, choosing ,revising, receiving and interpreting new hypothesis, the logical mechanism is just abduction advo





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