

字词 长期与短期


long run and short run


[1] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994:50.
[2] long run and short run. via:






1. 但是,对于像勒鲁、孔西得朗的著作,特别是对于蒲鲁东的机智的著作,决不能根据肤浅的、片刻的想象去批判,只有在长期持续的、深入的研究之后才能加以批判,——关于这一点,如果奥格斯堡女人想要得到比美妙动听的空话更多的东西,如果她具有比说美妙动听的空话更多的才能,那她也会承认的。我们对待类似的理论著作所以要更加慎重,还因为我们不同意奥格斯堡报的观点:它不是在柏拉图那里,而是在自己一个不知名的熟人那里找到了共产主义思想的“现实性”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,1960:295

1. But if the lady of Augsburg demanded more, and was capable of more, than smooth-sounding phrases, it would be obvious to her that such writings as those of Leroux, Considérant, and above all the sharp-witted work by Proudhon cannot be criticised on the basis of superficial flashes of thought, but only after long and profound study. We must take such theoretical works the more seriously because we do not agree with the Augsburg newspaper, which finds the "reality" of communist ideasnot in Plato, but in its obscure acquaintance, who was not without merit in some fields of scientific research. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 220.

2. 主要从巴黎流氓无产阶级中召募来的别动队,由于薪俸优厚,在短期内就成了每次都替当权者卖命的御用军。被组织起来的流氓无产阶级反对未组织起来的劳动无产阶级。果然不出所料,象那不勒斯的流浪汉供斐迪南驱使一样,巴黎的流氓无产阶级甘愿供资产阶级驱使。只有由真正的工人组成的那部分别动队转到起义者方面来了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1958:151

2. The mobile guard, which was mostly recruited from the Paris lumpen proletariat, has already during its brief period of existence, thanks to good pay, transformed itself into the praetorian guard of whoever was in power. The organised lumpen proletariat has given battle to the unorganised working proletariat. It has, as was to be expected, placed itself at the disposal of the bourgeoisie, just as the lazzaroni in Naples placed themselves at the disposal of Ferdinand. Only those detachments of the mobile guard that consisted of real workers changed sides. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 142.


例句 1:
20世纪 80 年代以后,世界大豆出口市场上形成美国、巴西与阿根廷的寡头垄断格局,我国由1996 年前的净出口国和最大生产国之一转为如今世界最大的净进口国。本文对这种贸易格局的演变和原因以及这些寡头的策略行为进行了分析,并针对我国长期与短期策略选择进行了探讨。——“世界大豆贸易格局的演变及对我国的启示”,载于《国际贸易问题》,2008年第6期
In the 1980s, it’s evident that the United States, Brazil and Argentina were the three largest exporters in the world soybean market. Meanwhile, China, one of the former net exporters and the largest producer before 1996, has gradually become the biggest soybean importer in the world today. This paper mainly tries to investigate how the world soybean market has been changed, why the three exporters have become the oligopolies, and how they have behaved. The long-run and short-run strategies China should choose are also discussed.

例句 2:
Whether the exchange rate can influence trade exports, from the literature review, there are contradictive views. The paper investigates Renminbi the relationship between exchange rate and trade exports using the quarterly data after the exchange rate reform in 1994.The exchange rate volatility is described by ARCH mo





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