字词 | 银行资本 |
释义 | 银行资本【英】banking capital; bank capital译文来源[1] Marx, K. & F. Engel. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37) [C]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998: 431. 定义银行资本指商业银行自身拥有的或能永久支配、使用的资金,是银行从事经营活动必须注入的资金。资本是一种资金来源。一家新银行需要有资金来支付在土地、房屋和设备资本投资等方面的初始成本。原有银行需要有资本金来支持发展,维持正常经营和使经营手段现代化。另外资本还用来支持重大的结构调整,如收购和兼并。(银行资本.via: 定义来源[1] 黄汉江.投资大辞典[Z].上海社会科学院出版社,1990. 例句1. 准备金可以因国内流通货币的增加而减少。在公众取走更多的银行券而金属储备不减少时,情形就是这样。但这时,利息率会提高,因为这时英格兰银行的银行资本要受1844年银行法118的限制。然而,他不敢说出这种情况,因为按照这个法令,银行的这两个部是完全分开的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷上)》,1974:490 1. The reserve may shrink because the circulating money in the country increases. This is the case when the public takes more notes and the hoard of metal does not decrease. But in such case the interest rate rises, because then the banking capital of the Bank of England is limited by the Act of 1844. But he dare not mention this, because due to this law the two departments have nothing to do with one another. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 431. 2. 对于发行银行券的私人银行来说,区别在于:如果它的银行券既不留在地方上的流通中,也不以存款的形式或支付到期汇票的形式流回到它那里,那末,这种银行券就会落到那些要求私人银行用金或英格兰银行的银行券来兑换它的人手中。因此在这个场合,私人银行的银行券的贷放,事实上代表英格兰银行的银行券的贷放,或者,——这对私人银行来说也是一样,——代表金的贷放,因而代表它的银行资本的一部分。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷上)》,1974:517 2. In the case of the private bank which issues its own notes we have this difference, that if its notes remain neither in local circulation, nor return to it in the form of deposits, or in payment for due bills of exchange, they fall into the hands of persons who compel the private bank to cash these notes in gold or in notes of the Bank of England. In this event, therefore, its loan in fact represents an advance of notes of the Bank of England, or, what amounts to the same thing for the private bank, of gold, hence a portion of its banking capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 454. 3. 当英格兰银行本身,或任何一个别的受发行银行券的法定最高限额约束的银行,必须出售有价证券,以便从流通领域中收回它们自己的银行券,然后再把它们作为贷款发放出去的时候,以上所说同样适用;在这个场合,它们自己的银行券代表它们的可以动用的银行资本的一部分。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷上)》,1974:517-518 3. The same holds good in case the Bank of England itself, or some other bank, which has a fixed legal maximum for its issue of notes, must sell securities to withdraw its own notes from circulation and then issue them once more in the shape of advances; in that case, the bank's own notes represent a portion of its mobilised banking capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 454. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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