

字词 新兴产业


the emerging industry


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 381.






1. 中国教育水平不断提高,新一代劳动者成长为素质更高、视野更广、技能更强的现代化、专业化人才。中国大力实施创新驱动发展战略,推动科技和经济紧密结合,推动科技创新和新兴产业发展。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:345

1. The improvement of education in China will bring about a modern, professional workforce of higher caliber, broader vision and better skills. China’s vigorous implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy will more closely link science and technology with economic growth, and foster innovation and emerging industries. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 381.

2. 我们既要创新发展思路,也要创新发展手段。要打破旧的思维定式和条条框框,坚持绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展。要不断提高创新能力,用创新培育新兴产业,用创新发掘增长动力,用创新提升核心竞争力。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:350

2. We need innovation in both theory and practice of development. We should abandon outdated mindsets, break away from old confines, and pursue green, circular and low-carbon development. We should continue to improve our capability in innovation so as to foster emerging industries, explore new forces for growth, and enhance core competitiveness. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 386.

3. 大力调整产业结构。着力培育新的增长点,促进服务业加快发展,支持发展移动互联网、集成电路、高端装备制造、新能源汽车等战略性新兴产业,互联网金融异军突起,电子商务、物流快递等新业态快速成长,众多“创客”脱颖而出,文化创意产业蓬勃发展。——《2015年政府工作报告》,2015

3. We channeled great energy into making adjustments in the structure of industry. We focused on fostering new areas of growth by encouraging the service sector to develop more quickly, and supporting the development of strategic emerging industries, including the mobile Internet industry, the integrated circuits industry, high-end equipment manufacturing, and the new-energy vehicles industry. Internet-based finance rose swiftly to prominence. E-commerce, logistics, express delivery services and other emerging businesses developed rapidly. We have seen makers coming thick and fast, and the cultural and creative industries have been developing with great vitality. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2015.


例句 1:
Service outsourcing industry is high-tech, high value-added and high-end services and transfer of R & D of global industry structure upgrades the inevitable trend.

例句 2:
Strategic emerging industries have raised expectations with the positive effect on traditional development mode change and industrial structure optimization, and have to face the test from market environment and capital with the connection with new technology.

例句 3:
The emerging strategic industries combining emerging technology and industry have been the priority of all countries, and they lead to a new development direction of coming industry and technology.





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