

字词 新制度经济学


new institutional economics


New institutional economics. via:




[1] 欧阳日晖等.新制度经济学:发展历程、方法论和研究纲领[J].南开经济研究,2004,6(6):3-9.
[2] 孙绪娜.新制度经济学理论概述[J].当代社科视野,2007(7):51-55.
[3] 新制度经济学.via:


1. 对此,布哈林最初有些犹豫,后来,他却转变成新经济政策的最主要倡导者之一。他承认,他关于战时共产主义的思想虽足以破坏旧制度,但不足以建设新制度。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:121

1. After some initial hesitation Bukharin became one of the chief exponents of NEP. He admitted that his conception of War Communism had been adequate for the destruction of the old order, but not for the construction of the new. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 129.

2. 第三,机械论者实际上贬低了质的飞跃的思想。按照他们的说法,一切高级的现象原则上都能还原为比较简单的和低级的现象。就布哈林来说,这些哲学观点完全符合他在经济学中决定论的和渐进主义的主张,而且也完全符合整个新经济政策的观点。不过还应当指出,托洛茨基尽管很少涉足哲学,却也是一个机械论者。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:130

2. Thirdly, the mechanists downgraded the idea of qualitative leaps in nature. According to them all higher phenomena could in principle be reduced to simpler, lower ones. In the case of Bukharin these philosophical views fitted well with his determinist, gradualist position in economics, and with the outlook of NEP in general - though it should be noted that Trotsky, in his rare incursions into philosophy, was also a mechanist. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 139.

3. 改革在经济学和哲学中尤为引人注目。经济学方面的代表性人物是奥塔·希克(Ota Sik),他的《社会主义制度下的计划和市场》一书为1968年的许多改革提供了理论基础。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:152

3. These reforms were especially noticeable in economics and in philosophy. In economics, the dominant figure was Ota Sik, whose Plan and Market under Socialism supplied the theoretical basis for many of the 1968 reforms. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 161.


例句 1:
This paper is in the aim of benign governancing administration costs and use the New Institutional Economics as a thoretical tool to explore the riching and widening the study perspects in this field.

例句 2:
用新制度经济学原理对产业融合的内涵做了重新阐释,强调产业融合是资源型地区产业转型的基 本途径,提出三条必由之路:一是资源型产业的融合转型,包括循环经济产业链融合,资源上下游产业链纵向融合,主导产业之间或主导产业与其它非关联产业的横向融合;二是产业融合中新兴产业的培育壮大:三是产业融合中三次产业的比例趋于合理。——《资源型地区产业转型路径创新研究:基于政府作用的视角》,山西财经大学博士学位论文,2012
The author has explained the connotation of industrial convergence by the way of principles of New Institutional Economics, and stressed that industrial convergence is the basic solution for industrial transformation, as well as that the three inevitable stages of industrial convergence includes: convergence of resource-oriented industry and other industries (consisting of convergence of recycling industrial chains, vertical convergence between natural resource upstream industry and downstream industry, horizontal convergence of leading industries internally or between former and non-associated industries. Fostering and development of new emerged industries.The proportion of three industries become and keep a good balance.

例句 3:





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