

字词 制度伦理学


institutional ethics








1. 我们称之为“社会现实”的东西从根本上说是一种伦理学的建构(ethical construction),它受到某种“仿佛”的支持(我们这样做时,我们“仿佛”相信官僚机构的万能,总统“仿佛”体现了人民的意志,政党“仿佛”表达了工人阶级的客观利益......)。一旦这一信仰(让我们再提醒一下,绝对不能在“心理学的”水平上理解信仰,信仰体现在并物质化于社会领域的有效性功能之中)丧失,社会领域这一结构就会土崩瓦解。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:398

1. What we call social reality" is in the last resort an ethical construction; it is supported by a certain as if (we act as if we believe in the almightiness of bureaucracy, as if the President incarnates the Will of the People, as if the Party expresses the objective interest of the working class.. .). As soon as the belief (which, let us remind ourselves again, is definitely not to be conceived at a "psychological" level: it is embodied, materialized, in the effective functioning of the social field) is lost, the very texture of the social field disintegrates. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 509.

2. 无疑,这只能是一种危险的“经验主义”。 因此,萨伊反对将伦理学与政治要求建立在空论之上的做法,他列举了卢梭的例子,因为卢梭在讨论社会现象(如社会契约和不平等问题)时,仅仅以权利问题为根据,这就使他的论述落入“没有多大实际效用”的空论之中。其实,萨伊主张经济事实应成为伦理与政治要求的基础。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:33

2. Nothing but a dangerous “empiricism”. As such, Say was opposed to establishing ethics and political necessity upon empty theories. For instance, Say pointed out that Rousseau’s discussion of social phenomena (such as the social contract and inequality) was based solely on the issue of rights, causing his theories to devolve into empty theories “without much practical use.” Furthermore, Say advocated using economic facts as the foundation for ethics and political necessities. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 9.


例句 1:
Like all other ethical study branches such as economic ethics, ecological ethics and institutional ethics, ethno-ethics as an emerging marginal discipline has undergone a twisty and tortuous history.

例句 2:
Most of the respondents hope to strengthen the network integrity by the way of strengthening the publicity and education, enhancing the citizen’s integrity quality and intensifying the dishonest duty investigation which need the related laws come out. The institutional ethics can play a positive role to tackle this issue.

例句 3:
The rising institutional ethic in contemporary days presents the quality and intelligence to bravely face ethical dilemma and boldly practice transforming and introducing new patterns.





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