

字词 魁奈(Francois Quesnay)

魁奈(Francois Quesnay)【英】

François Quesnay


[1] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 123.
[2] François Quesnay. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Quesnay




[1] 弗朗西斯·魁奈.中华帝国的专制制度[M].北京商务印书馆,1992.
[2] 李禹阶,冀伯祥.“重农”与“困农”——评魁奈对中国古代重农思想的认识[J].重庆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2007(3).


1. 其实,客观地说,李斯特的经济学还是有他的独特之处的,这就是李斯特站在德国资产阶级的立场上,以一种维护本国私有者利益的“国家经济学”来对抗古典经济学的所谓“世界主义经济学”。李斯特批评了从魁奈开始并由斯密和萨伊所坚持的普遍自由贸易观点的虚假性,他抓住了经济发展的特殊性,即一个国家的生产力发展水平不同,也就不可能在国与国之间真正发生“放任的”自由贸易与交换。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:168-169

1. Actually, List’s views on economics were unique in several ways, namely in that he upheld the position of the German bourgeoisie, promoting the interests of German private owners through “national economics” in opposition to the so-called “global economics” of classical economics. List criticized the falsity of the concept of universal free trade as promoted by economists from Quesnay to Smith and Ricardo. He comprehended the particularity of economic development, namely that because different countries developed productive forces to different degrees, there could not exist the free trade and exchange of a veritable “laissez-faire” economy on the international scene. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 123.

2. 因此,正如罗莎·卢森堡令人信服地描述的那样,关于经济生活总体的伟大的、尽管往往是原始的、有缺点的和不精确的总观念尚存在于魁奈的“经济表”中,而在经过斯密到李嘉图的发展中,随着——形式上的——概念形成越来越精确,这种总观念就越来越消失了。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:172

2. It is therefore no accident, as Rosa Luxemburg has convincingly shown, that the great, if also often primitive, faulty and inexact synoptic view of economic life to be found in Quesnay's “Tableau Economique”, disappears progressively as the formal-process of conceptualisation becomes increasingly exact in the course of its development from Adam Smith to Ricardo. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 107.

3. 那末,为什么还要把关于实现自由贸易对工人阶级状况的影响作为未解决的问题来谈呢?从魁奈到李嘉图的经济学家们所表述的一切规律是建立在这样的假定上的:迄今妨碍自由贸易的羁绊已不再存在。这些规律的作用随着自由贸易的实现而加强。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:177-178

3. But, then, why propound as a problem still to be solved the question: What influence will the adoption of the Free Trade have upon the condition of the working class? All the laws formulated by the political economists from Quesnay to Ricardo, have been based upon the hypothesis that the trammels which still interfere with commercial freedom have disappeared. These laws are confirmed in proportion as Free Trade is adopted. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 462.


例句 1:
In terms of respecting Chinese wisdom, Quesnay with several other scholars equates the principles advocated by Confucius with Western traditional “Natural Law”, with which they defend human freedom and natural right.

例句 2:
This article analyzes Montesquieu, Quesney and Liang Ch’ich’ao’s viewpoints towards the system of government of Ancient China, and it also invites a question: how can we define the nature of Chinese ancient society.

例句 3:
Xianliang Literature and Quesnay are representative figures of Chinese and Western sides that advocated emphasizing agriculture and restraining commerce. Their viewpoints on emphasizing agriculture have similarities as well as difference. The comparative researches not only indicate the similar or same conditions in which their nations were confronting, but also reveal the specific cultural traditions and time spirits that can be pregnant with their great minds.





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