

字词 鸦片战争


the Opium War


Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2)[C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 342-343.


鸦片战争是英国资产阶级为维护其鸦片贸易而对中国发动的侵略战争。鸦片的大量输入,白银的大量外流,不仅成为严重的社会问题,也威胁清政府的统治。1838年,道光帝派林则徐为钦差大臣进行禁烟。次年3月,林则徐到达广州,严拿烟贩,限期令外国商人交出鸦片。6月3日,将英、美商人交来的二百三十七万多斤的鸦片,在虎门海滩当众销毁。英国政府为了保护鸦片贸易,于1840年6月,组成一支四千多人的“东方远征队”抵达广州海面。鸦片战争正式爆发。由于林则徐加强了军事防御,英军在封锁珠江后,便沿海北上,攻占了定海,8月到达天津海口,要挟清政府谈判。道光帝派琦善到广州议和,并将林则徐、邓廷桢革职。1841年1月,琦善擅自与英方议订《穿鼻草约》,答允割香港和赔款。道光帝认为这有损清政府的尊严,决定对英作战,派满洲贵族奕山到广州主持军事。奕山还未到达广州,英军便攻击虎门炮台,琦善拒发援兵,最后炮台失陷,关天培与全体将士壮烈牺牲。奕山到达广州后,不作积极布防。5月间,英军进逼广州,占领四方炮台。奕山乞和,与英订立《广州和约》,同意赔款六百万元(via: http://www.hxsbs.com/html/2014-05/19/content_82424.htm)。英国政府认为没有达到侵略要求,8月英国决定再次扩大侵华战争,9月攻陷定海,接着镇海、宁波相继失陷。道光帝又派另一个满洲贵族奕经援浙。1842年3月,奕经兵分三路进攻宁波、定海、镇海失败,6月,英军攻占吴淞,陈化成血战牺牲。7月,英军陷镇江,8月,英舰到达南京江面。鸦片战争中,尽管广大人民和部分爱国官兵英勇抵抗,但是由于清政府采取对内敌视人民对外妥协投降,使战争以失败结束。1842年8月29日,耆英、伊里布和璞鼎查(Henry Pottinger)于停泊江面的英舰“汉华丽号”签订了丧权辱国的《南京条约》,从此,中国开始沦为半殖民地半封建社会。


via: http://www.hxsbs.com/html/2014-05/19/content_82424.htm


1. 毋庸置疑,景观意识形态彻底取代了过去那些需要争论的政治意识形态。贝斯特曾经评论道:“景观是一种绥靖和去政治化的工具,它是一场‘永久的鸦片战争’这一战争麻痹了社会主体,并使它们脱离真实社会生活的最急迫的任务。”——《文本的深度耕犁——后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:137

1. It is held true that the spectacular ideology completely takes the place of the previous arguable political ideologies. Best once remarks, “the spectacle is a tool of pacification and de-politicization, it is ‘a permanent opium war’, which stupefies social subjects and distracts them from the most urgent task of real life.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 195.

2. 这个第一步的准备阶段,还是自从一八四〇年鸦片战争以来,即中国社会开始由封建社会改变为半殖民地半封建社会以来,就开始了的。中经太平天国运动、中法战争、中日战争、戊戌变法、辛亥革命、五四运动、北伐战争、土地革命战争、直到今天的抗日战争,这样许多个别的阶段,费去了整整一百年工夫,从某一点上说来,都是实行这一步,都是中国人民在不同的时间中和不同的程度上实行这一步,实行反对帝国主义和封建势力,为了建立一个独立的民主主义的社会而斗争,为了完成第一个革命而斗争。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:666-667

2. The preparatory period for the first step began with the Opium War in 1840, i.e., when China’s feudal society started changing into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal one. Then came the Movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Sino-French War, the Sino-Japanese War, the Reform Movement of 1898, the Revolution of 1911, the May 4th Movement, the Northern Expedition, the War of the Agrarian Revolution and the present War of Resistance Against Japan. Together these have taken up a whole century and in a sense they represent that first step, being struggles waged by the Chinese people, on different occasions and in varying degrees, against imperialism and the feudal forces in order to build up an independent, democratic society and complete the first revolution. -Quoted from Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 342-343.

3. 经过鸦片战争以来170多年的持续奋斗,中华民族伟大复兴展现出光明的前景。现在,我们比历史上任何时期都更接近中华民族伟大复兴的目标,比历史上任何时期都更有信心、有能力实现这个目标。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:35

3. Our struggles in the over 170 years since the Opium War have created bright prospects for achieving the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We are now closer to this goal, and we are more confident and capable of achieving it than at any other time in history. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 37.


例句 1:
Since 19th century, with the rapid development in the west, Europeans, with the western culture, came to China. Then some western works began to be translated into Chinese. The time of the opium war is an important period of western translation.

例句 2:
This thesis takes their activities round about the Opium War as the object of study, probes into the firms' occurrence and evolution during the years between 1782 and 1858, and make a systematic and comprehensive study of their activities.

例句 3:
The Opium War is a major event in Chinese history, but our cognition to it is a dynamic and changing process with time by. It is the same when it reflects in history textbooks of secondary school. In the late Qing Dynasty, the Opium War in secondary sch)ols' history textbooks was described as a normal historical event. At that time, textbooks focused on the procedure of the war, and ther





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