

字词 内政


domestic affairs; internal affairs


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 14-15, 33.






1. 十八大以来,面对复杂多变的国际形势和艰巨繁重的国内改革发展稳定任务,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央全面贯彻落实十八大精神,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,坚持以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,励精图治、继往开来,改革发展稳定、内政外交国防、治党治国治军各方面都取得新进展新成效,实现了良好开局,得到全党全国各族人民衷心拥护和国际社会普遍好评。自觉维护以习近平同志为总书记的党中央的权威,自觉维护党的集中统一,是党的事业发展的客观需要,是全党全国各族人民最高利益之所在。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2015:97-98

1. The central committee, with Xi Jinping as the General Secretary, fully implements the spirit of the Party’s 18th National Congress. We must follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and implement the important thought of Three Represents and Scientific Outlook on Development, making great achievements. With the great efforts, great improvement has been made in terms of reform and development, domestic and foreign affairs, national defense and building of the party, nation and army. This good beginning has won wholehearted support of the world public and good comments of the international community. Keeping the authority of the central committee, with Xi Jinping as the General Secretary and the centralization and unity of the Party, is the objective requirement of the development of the party’s cause, as well as the supreme interests of all the people. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’ s Significant Instructions on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 90-91.

2. 党的十八大提出的基本要求,是对当前我国经济社会发展中存在的突出问题、改革攻坚和加快转变经济发展方式面临的难点问题、干部群众普遍关注的热点问题的积极回应,是对我国进入全面建成小康社会决定性阶段改革发展稳定、内政外交国防、治党治国治军的正确指引。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:13-14

2. The basic requirements set forth at the 18th National Congress positively responded to the need of addressing pressing issues in China’s economic and social development, the challenges in the difficult in-depth reforms and in speeding up the transformation of the growth model, and the sensitive issues that officials and the general public are especially concerned about. They have also given us good guidance on how to pursue reform, development and stability, handle national defense and domestic and foreign affairs, and run the Party, the country and the military in this decisive stage at which China is striving to realize a moderately prosperous society in all respects. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 14-15.

3. 和平共处五项原则,指互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:31

3. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are the principles of mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and cooperation for mutual benefits, and peaceful coexistence. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 33.


例句 1:
全文的内容主要如下: 不干涉内政原则的源头主权诞生于法国,同样不干涉内政原则也诞生于法国。——《论东盟不干涉内政原则的发展》,华东政法大学硕士学位论文,2010
The Content of this Article is as follows: The Source of Principle of Non Intervention——sovereignty was born in France, so was Principle of Non Intervention.

例句 2:
The principle of non-interference in the internal affairs is one of the fundamental principles of international Law, which stems from the principle of sovereignty.

例句 3:
西方国家同时也指出,中国在保持“不干涉内政”政策的同时,忽视了对非洲国家的人权和社会公正以及政治民主方面的建设。中国只注重对非洲经济和财政方面的发展,这与西方在非洲的模式显然不同。——《China's Noninterference Policy and Its Implications: the Case of China in Sub-Saharan Africa》,山东大学硕士学位论文,2013
Although a policy easily attributable to China, the section offers an interpretation of noninterference according to different nations and international bodies such as the United Nations. It is a truth universally acknowledged that the genesis of the principle of noninterference can be traced to the West.





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