

字词 内容冲动




Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1971: 139.




[1] 席勒.席勒散文选[C].张玉能译.百花文艺出版社人民出版社,2005.
[2] 李文波.席勒“游戏冲动”的三种解读[D].华中师范大学,2008.


1. 席勒的美学理论著作表现出了要求提出这个问题和指望具有解决问题的功能的倾向,而且表现得比那些哲学体系更为清楚。在那些体系中,纯粹的思想大厦粗一看暂时掩盖了那个作为那些问题根源的生活基础。如果说席勒把美学原则规定为游戏冲动(以对立于形式冲动和内容冲动,对它们的分析以及席勒的全部美学著作都包含着关于物化问题的非常有价值的论述),那末他是在强调:“因为——让我们终于一吐为快——人,只有当他具有人这个词的完全意义的时候,他才游戏,而只有在他游戏的时候,他才是完全的人”。席勒使美学原则远远地超出了美学的范围,并在这一原则中寻求解决人的社会存在的意义的问题的钥匙。这时,古典哲学的基本问题也就暴露无遗了。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:214

1. But it is in Schiller’s aesthetic and theoretical works that we can see, even more clearly than in the systems of the philosophers (where for the superficial observer the pure edifice of thought sometimes obscures the living heart from which these problems arise), the need which has provided the impetus for these analyses as well as the function to be performed by the solutions offered. Schiller defines the aesthetic principle as the play-instinct (in contrast to the form-instinct and the content-instinct) and his analysis of this contains very valuable insights into the question of reification, as is indeed true of all his aesthetic writings). He formulates it as follows: “For it must be said once and for all that man only plays when he is a man in the full meaning of the word, and he is fully human only when he plays.” By extending the aesthetic principle far beyond the confines of aesthetics, by seeing it as the key to the solution of the question of the meaning of man's existence in society, Schiller brings us back to the basic issue of classical philosophy. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 138-139.





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