

字词 辩护


defense; defence; to defend


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972: 174.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 199.
[3] Defense (legal). via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_(legal)






1. 因此,鲍威尔先生必须使“批判”的著作生涯的历史(这和鲍威尔本身的著作生涯的历史一模一样)摆脱其群众的外观,然后再把这种历史加以润色和解释并通过这种辩护的评注来“巩固批判以前的著作”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1973:127-128

1. Herr Bauer must therefore free the literary biography of “Criticism”—which coincides exactly with his own literary biography - from its masslike appearance; he must retrospectively improve and explain it and by this apologetic commentary “place its earlier works in safety”.-Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975:100.

2. 我们看到,他在文章的前半部分把某一学派的理论家叫作“最新经济学家”。读者一定会以为他这一次还是指的那些理论家。事实上作者在这里完全另有所指。现在充当最新经济学家的已经是德国的讲坛社会主义者了。作者认为西斯蒙第的理论接近于讲坛社会主义者的学说,这就是替西斯蒙第辩护。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:143

2. We have seen that in the first part of his article he applied the term “modern economists” to the theoreticians of one definite school. The reader would be right in thinking that he is referring to them this time too. Actually, however, the author has something entirely different in mind. It is now the German Katheder-Socialists who figure as the modern economists. The author’s defence of Sismondi consists in closely identifying his theory with theirs. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1972: 174.

3. 饶勒斯不久以前讲的话,表明机会主义也会在这些问题上达到何等荒谬的地步。他在一份自由派资产阶级的德文小报上发表自己对国际形势的看法,为法英两国同俄国结成联盟进行辩护,反对指责该联盟的反和平的意图,认为该联盟是“和平的保障”,对于“我们终于盼到了英俄这两个宿敌结成联盟”这件事表示欢迎。——《列宁全集(第十七卷)》,1989:174

3. The lengths to which opportunism can go in such questions too is shown by a recent statement of Jaurès. Expressing his views on the international situation in a German bourgeois-liberal newspaper, he defends the alliance of France and Britain with Russia against the charge of non-peaceful intentions, and treats that alliance as a “guarantee of peace”; he welcomes the fact that “we have now lived to see an alliance of Britain and Russia, two old standing enemies”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15), 1977: 199.


例句 1:
在此论文中主要论述了柯亨对马克思历史唯物主义所作的辩护,包括辩护的内容及辩护的方式。——《 论柯亨对马克思历史唯物主义辩护之得失》,吉林大学硕士学位论文,2013
This dissertation centers on the Cohen’s defense for Marxist historical materialism, including the content and approaches Cohen applied in the defense.

例句 2:
所以,传统经验论所彰显的这种基础主义的方式在解决心灵与世界之间的关系以及经验知识的辩护问题上显得力不从心。——《 经验、概念与自然——麦克道威尔哲学研究》,南京大学博士学位论文,2011
Therefore, the foundationalism highlighted by the traditional empiricism appears to be inadequate for solve the problem of the relationship between mind and world and justify empirical knowledge.

例句 3:
The intention of this dissertation gives us a better appreciation of the respective merits of the a priori and the empirical, as well as a better understanding of how a priori justification comports with empirical science.





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