字词 | 超额利润 |
释义 | 超额利润【英】super-profit; surplus profit译文来源[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 29) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 502. 定义超额利润亦称“额外利润”,是商品的个别生产价格低于社会生产价格的差额。获得超额利润的主要途径是提高劳动生产率。当个别企业首先采用新技术,使其劳动生产率高于该生产部门的平均水平时,这个企业生产的产品的个别生产价格就低于社会生产价格。但商品是按照社会生产价格出售的,个别生产价格与社会生产价格之间的差额,就是该企业所获得的超过平均利润以上的利润,即超额利润。当大多数企业都采用新技术,劳动生产率普遍提高时,商品的社会生产价格就会下降,超额利润随之消失。这时,又有领先采用更新技术,进一步提高劳动生产率的个别企业获得超额利润。超额利润的源泉仍然是工人剩余劳动所创造的价值的一部分。对超额利润的追求,一方面有利于促进生产技术的改进和劳动生产率的提高; 另一方面又可能限制先进技术的推广和应用,阻碍劳动生产率普遍提高。 定义来源何盛铭. 财经大辞典(上卷)[Z]. via: http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=%e6%94%b6%e5%85%a5%e5%86%8d%e5%88%86%e9%85%8d&korder=0&sel=1&xkcode=* 例句1. “费边帝国主义”和“社会帝国主义”是一个东西:口头上的社会主义实际上的帝国主义,即机会主义转变为帝国主义。这种现象在现在,在1914—1918年的战争期间和战后,已成为世界的事实了,不了解这一事实,是“伯尔尼”国际即黄色国际最严重的盲目无知,是它的最大的罪行。机会主义或改良主义必然转变为具有世界历史意义的社会主义帝国主义或社会沙文主义,因为帝国主义造成极少数最富有的先进国家去掠夺全世界,从而使这些国家的资产阶级能够用自己的垄断超额利润(帝国主义就是垄断资本主义)来收买这些国家的工人阶级上层分子。——《列宁全集(第三十七卷)》,1986:91 1. “Fabian imperialism” and “social-imperialism” are one and the same thing: socialism in words, imperialism in deeds, the growth of opportunism into imperialism. This has now become, during the war of 1914-18 and since, a universal fact. The failure to understand it shows the great blindness of the Berne yellow International, and is its great crime. Opportunism, or reformism, inevitably had to grow into a phenomenon of world-wide importance, socialist imperialism, or social-chauvinism, because imperialism brought to the fore a handful of very rich, advanced nations, engaged in plundering the whole world, and thereby enabled the bourgeoisie of those countries, out of their monopolist superprofits (imperialism is monopoly capitalism), to bribe the upper strata of the working class. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 29), 1974: 502. 2. 布尔加柯夫先生根本没有弄懂马克思的地租理论。他以为他提出如下两点反驳意见就可以粉碎这个理论:(1)按马克思的观点,农业资本也参与利润率的平均化,因此超过平均利润率的超额利润就构成地租。——《列宁全集(第五卷)》,1986:99 2. Mr. Bulgakov has completely failed to understand Marx’s theory of rent. He is convinced that he has shattered this theory by the two following arguments: (1) According to Marx, agricultural capital enters into the equalisation of the rate of profit, so that rent is created by a surplus profit that exceeds the average rate of profit. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol.5), 1977: 120. 3. 列宁在这本小册子(指《帝国主义是资本主义的最高阶段》一书——译者注)的第八章中指出了帝国主义两大内在的影响:第一,作为帝国主义基础的垄断造成了延缓和阻滞技术进步的趋势;第二,也是更重要的一点是,帝国主义的超额利润使它有可能去“收买无产阶级的上层,从而培植、形成和巩固机会主义”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:96 3. In the eighth chapter of his pamphlet, Lenin pointed to two internal effects of imperialism. First, monopoly - the foundation of imperialism - created a tendency for technical progress to retard and stagnate. Secondly - and more importantly - the super-profits of imperia1ism made it possible ‘to bribe the upper strata of the proletariat, and therefore foster, give shape to, and strengthen opportunism'. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 104. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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