

字词 西方马克思主义


Western Marxism


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:946.
[2] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 77.




[1] 奚广庆.西方马克思主义词典[M].中国经济出版社,1992.
[2] 张一兵,胡大平.西方马克思主义哲学的历史逻辑[M].南京大学出版社,2003.


1. 西方马克思主义的学术偏见,很大程度上归因于卢卡奇在《历史与阶级意识》中对方法的强调。西方马克思主义常常被指责为主要是一种智识追求,更关注哲学 争论,而不是实际的政治斗争。人们可以说,在 最抽象的意义上,它依然处于解释世界的层面,未能达到改变世界的层次,因此不符合马克思的哲学观。安德森把这一发展线索追溯到两次大战期间法西斯主义和斯大林主义的传播,这种传播的组合效果切断了西欧马克思主义运动中理论和实践之间的关联。在安德森 看来,进入大量自足的理论领域是一场,它阻碍了西方的社会主义事业。­­——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:119

1. The academic bias of Western Marxism owes much to Lukács’s emphasis on method in History and Glass Consciousness. Western Marxism is often accused of being a primarily intellectual pursuit, more concerned with philosophical disputation than actual political struggle. One could say that, at its most abstract, it remains at the level of interpreting the world rather than changing it, thus falling short of Marx’s vision for philosophy. Anderson traces this line of development back to the spread of fascism and Stalinism in the inter-war years, the combined effect of which was to cut the links between theory and practice in Western European Marxist move-menu. To Anderson, the move into a largely self-contained theoretical domain is a tragedy that has set back the cause of socialism in the West. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 77.

2. 根据我的理解,鲍德里亚这里对马克思生产理论的攻击也不全是他自己的原始创新。在西方马克思主义阵营中,最早意识到这个问题的是青年卢卡奇。在《历史与阶级意识》一书中,当他把韦伯基于生产技术结构的工具理性的逻辑倒过来批判时,就无意识地发现了现代资本主义统治和奴役的一个层面竟然是生产本身的物性层面,流水线上的齐一性和物化造成了工人存在与观念的双重非总体性。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:204-205

2. In my opinion, Baudrillard’s attack on Marx’s theory of production is not completely original. Among the Western Marxist camp, the young Gyorgy Lukács was the first to put forward this question. In History and Class Consciousness, when he overturned Weber’s instrumental rationality based on production technology, he inadvertently came to the discovery that the controlling and exploitative character of modern capitalism is, unexpectedly, the material aspect of production per se, the materializing and unifying assembly line leading to the double de-totalization of the existence and conception of worker. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 278.

3. J. 斯特恩提出一种经济唯物主义,即不是以一般物质为基础,而是以社会的和经济的力量为基始的哲学理论,这实际上只是资产阶级早期政治经济学的哲学构架,而当他直接指出马克思的历史唯物主义就是一种经济唯物主义的时候,就开启了一个极其严重的非科学的诠释方向。这是第二国际庸俗经济决定论解释框架悲剧性的开端。20世纪卢卡奇和葛兰西所奠基的早期西方马克思主义,正确地批判了将马克思历史唯物主义诠释为经济决定论的错误,但始终无法真正辨析和说明这个问题的思想史根源。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:62-63

3. Jakob Stern’s economic materialism was not founded on general material, but rather was a philosophical theory based on the forces of society and economics. This, in fact, was only the philosophical framework of early bourgeois political economy. When J. Stern asserted that Marx’s historical materialism was simply a kind of economic materialism, he opened an intense and unscientific interpretive orientation of Marx’s philosophy. This was the tragic beginning of the economic determinist framework proposed by the vulgar economists of the Second International. Early Western Marxism, established by Lukács and Gramsci in the 20th century, correctly criticized Marx’s historical materialist interpretation as an economic materialist mistake, but was never able to truly analyze and explain the philosophical historical roots of this problem. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 33-34.


例句 1:
The logic of Western Marxism is multipronged and extending continuously, and its meaning alson has a huge space of outward expansion.

例句 2:
Research on Western Marxism should direct its reading and reflection to the developmental course of Western Marxism itself.

例句 3:
While conducting cross-sectional and logitudinal studies of capitalism, Western Marxism offers unique views by shifting its critical perspective from economics to supersturacture, and from history to reality.





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