

字词 对象性的存在物


objective being


Marx, K. & F. Engel. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 336.




[1] 李淮春.马克思主义哲学全书[Z].中国人民大学出版社,1996.
[2] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)[M].人民出版社,1995.


1. 对象性的存在物客观地活动着,而只要它的本质规定中不包含对象性的东西,它就不能客观地活动。它所以能创造或设定对象,只是因为它本身是被对象所设定的,因为它本来就是自然界。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1987:167

1. An objective being acts objectively, and he would not act objectively if the objective did not reside in the very nature of his being. He only creates or posits objects, because he is posited by objects—because at bottom he is nature. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1975: 336.

2. 人作为自然存在物,而且作为有生命的自然存在物,一方面具有自然力、生命力,是能动的自然存在物;这些力量作为天赋和才能、作为欲望存在于人身上;另一方面,人作为自然的、肉体的、感性的、对象性的存在物,和动植物一样,是受动的、受制约的和受限制的存在物,也就是说,他的欲望的对象是作为不依赖于他的对象而存在于他之外的;但这些对象是他的需要的对象;是表现和确证他的本质力量所不可缺少的、重要的对象。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1987:167-168

2. As a natural being and as a living natural being he is on the one hand endowed with natural powers, vital powers—he is an active natural being. These forces exist in him as tendencies and abilities—as instincts. On the other hand, as a natural, corporeal, sensuous, objective being he is a suffering, conditioned and limited creature, like animals and plants. That is to say, the objects of his instincts exist outside him, as objects independent of him; yet these objects are objects that he needs—essential objects, indispensable to the manifestation and confirmation of his essential powers. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1975: 336.

3. 说人是肉体的、有自然力的、有生命的、现实的、感性的、对象性的存在物,这就等于说,人有现实的、感性的对象作为自己的本质即自己的生命表现的对象;或者说,人只有凭借现实的、感性的对象才能表现自己的生命。说一个东西是对象性的、自然的、感性的,这是说,在这个东西之外有对象、自然界、感觉;或者说,它本身对于第三者说来是对象、自然界、感觉,这都是同一个意思。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1987:168

3. To say that man is a corporeal, living, real, sensuous, objective being full of natural vigour is to say that he has real, sensuous objects as the object of his being or of his life, or that he can only express his life in real, sensuous objects. To be objective, natural and sensuous, and at the same time to have object, nature and sense outside oneself, or oneself to be object, nature and sense for a third party, is one and the same thing. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1975: 336.


例句 1:
Marx in the “Manuscript” in starting from reality, from the actual situation of workers, through my solid academic research, the object of thought is described in detail, Marx shows, “an entity if outside of itself does not have its own nature, is not a natural existence, cannot participate in the nature of life, the presence of a if no object in itself, it is not the objective existence.” Marx added: “a thing if itself is not the third objects, there is no any existence as its object, that is to say, it is not the object relationship, its existence is not an objective existence, not the objective existence is not exist.” Marx lifelong work is committed to make people get full object.

例句 2:
Through his examination of “alienated labor”, Marx found that labor and practice are the generic nature of man, and considered man a free, universalized, and objective being. He systematically explained that the features characteristic of the generic nature of man are its creativity, historicity and





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