

字词 对称与非对称


symmetry and asymmetry


[1] Symmetry. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetry
[2] Asymmetry.via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asymmetry






1. 这某个他人幽灵注视着我们,我们觉得自己正被它注视着,并且是在任何共时性之外,甚至在我们的任何目光之前和之外,按照一种绝对的前后关联(它可能位于生成顺序是众多生成顺序之中)和不对称性,按照一种绝对不可控制的不对称性注视着我们。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:291

1. This spectral someone other looks at us, we feel ourselves being looked at by it, outside if any synchrony, even before and beyond any look on our part, according to an absolute anteriority (which may be on the order of generation, of more than one generation) and asymmetry, according to an absolutely unmasterable disproportion. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 383.

2. 有效实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。实行定向减税和普遍性降费,拓宽小微企业税收优惠政策范围,扩大“营改增”试点。加快财政支出进度,积极盘活存量资金。灵活运用货币政策工具,采取定向降准、定向再贷款、非对称降息等措施,加大对经济社会发展薄弱环节的支持力度,小微企业、“三农”贷款增速比各项贷款平均增速分别高4.2和0.7个百分点。同时,完善金融监管,坚决守住不发生区域性系统性风险的底线。——《2015政府工作报告》,2015

2. We have been effectively implementing proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. We increased targeted tax reductions, reduced fees across the board, extended the coverage of tax relief policies to benefit more small and micro businesses, and expanded the trials to replace business tax with VAT to cover more industries. We sped up the process of making budgetary funds available for fiscal expenditures and put surplus budgetary funds to good use. By flexibly utilizing monetary policy instruments, making targeted cuts to required reserve ratios, carrying out targeted re-lending, and making asymmetric interest rate cuts, we stepped up support for weaker areas in economic and social development. Increases in loans made to small and micro businesses, and loans for agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, outdid the average increase in loans overall by 4.2 and 0.7 percentage points respectively. At the same time, regulation of the financial sector was improved and regional and systemic risks were forestalled. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2015.

3. 我这里想到的是由布莱希特的伟大剧作所提出的问题;尽管布莱希特使用了史诗戏剧和间离效果的概念,这些问题在本质上也许还没有得到完全的解决。我十分惊奇地看到,贝尔多拉西的剧本所具有的那种不对称和批判的潜在结构,基本上正是《大胆妈妈》和《伽里略》等剧本的结构。——《保卫马克思》,1984:118

3. I am thinking of the problems posed by Brecht’s great plays, problems which recourse to such concepts as the alienation effect or the epic theatre has perhaps not in principle perfectly solved. I am very struck by the fact that a latent asymmetrical critical structure, the dialectic-in-the-wing structure found in Bertolazzi’s play, is in essentials also the structure of plays such as Mother Courage and (above all) Galileo. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 142.


例句 1:
Structure of social dilemmas in experimental research could be classified into four categories: give-some vs. take-some games, 2-person vs. N-person dilemmas, asymmetric vs. symmetric dilemmas, iterated vs. noniterated dilemmas.





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