

字词 他律


heteronomy; regulation by law


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 254.
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 146.
[3] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:18.




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 詹世友.“自律”与“他律”的哲理辩证[J].道德与文明,1998(06).
[3] 李志强.再谈道德的自律与他律——兼论伦理学理论和道德建设中的若干认识误区[J].2011(05).


1. 既然事实上我自己不是自然,既然我的自然欲望,整个我的自然机体不属于我自己(基督教的学说就是如此),那末自然的任何制约,不管这种制约是我自己的自然机体所引起的还是所谓外界自然所造成的,都会使我觉得是一种外来的制约,使我觉得是枷锁,使我觉得是对我的强暴,是和精神的自律相异的他律。施蒂纳不加思考地接受了这种基督教的辩证法,然后又把它用来对待我们的精神。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷:德意志意识形态)》,1956:285

1. For if I myself am not nature, if my natural desires, my whole natural character, do not belong to myself—and this is the doctrine of Christianity—then all determination by nature—whether due to my own natural character or to what is known as external nature—seems to me a determination by something foreign, a fetter, compulsion used against me, heteronomy as opposed to autonomy of the spirit. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 254.

2. 要深入开展法制宣传教育,在全社会弘扬社会主义法治精神,引导全体人民遵守法律、有问题依靠法律来解决,形成守法光荣的良好氛围。要坚持法制教育与法治实践相结合,广泛开展依法治理活动,提高社会管理法治化水平。要坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合,把法治建设和道德建设紧密结合起来,把他律和自律紧密结合起来,做到法治和德治相辅相成、相互促进。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:145-146

2. We will make sure that the laws are well received by the people, foster socialist rule of law throughout society, encourage all the people to observe the law and solve their problems by the law, and form a favorable environment in which it is held to be honorable to observe the law. We will combine education in the legal system with law-based governance, and promote social administration under the rule of law. We should integrate the rule of law with rule by virtue and legal enforcement with ethical progress, encourage both regulation by laws and by self-discipline, and ensure that the rule of law and rule by virtue complement and reinforce each other. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 162.


例句 1:
Heteronomy and self-discipline is a life in human society since ancient times the process must follow the code of ethics and code of conduct. Between different individuals in society as long as the resulting relationships will be a credibility problem.

例句 2:
External supervision is the external binding of a kind of morals specification, point at morals main part to deny so as follow and the morals standard of action, get system in outside force, is controlled by external basis and control.

例句 3:
Therefore, strengthening the construction of credibility among college students, to improve the students' sense of integrity, by further perfect control mechanism of College Students' honesty construction, is a necessary requirement for improving the actual effect of College Students' Honesty Education in current situation.





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