

字词 从群众中来、到群众中去


(principle of) “from the people; to the people”; (principle of) “from the masses; to the masses”


[1] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2014: 29.
[2] 党的“群众路线”. via:http://language.chinadaily.com.cn/news/2013-06/20/content_16639274.htm




[1] 从群众中来,到群众中去.via:http://qzlx.12371.cn/2013/09/18/ARTI1379473849384180.shtml
[2] 肖百冶.试论“从群众中来,到群众中去”的思想在当代科学和管理中的地位和作用[J].毛泽东邓小平理论研究,1986,(3).


1. 他大力倡导把调查研究“贯彻于决策全过程”,强调必须坚持从群众中来、到群众中去,广泛听取群众意见,尤其对群众“最 盼、最急、最忧、最怨”的问题更要抓住不放,主动调研。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:426

1. Xi pays great attention to investigation, holding that, “investigation should be carried out throughout the decision-making process.” He has also stressed that all officials should go to the grassroots communities and find out what the people think and want, and solve the problems the people are most concerned with. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 478.

2. 群众路线是我们党的生命线和根本工作路线,是我们党永葆青春活力和战斗力的重要传家宝。不论过去、现在和将来,我们都要坚持一切为了群众,一切依靠群众,从群众中来,到群众中去,把党的正确主张变为群众的自觉行动,把群众路线贯彻到治国理政全部活动之中。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:27

2. The mass line is the Party’s lifeline and fundamental work principle. It is a cherished tradition that enables our Party to maintain its vitality and combat capability. We have always been and will always be obligated to do everything in the interests of the people and rely on their strength, and carry out the principle of “from the people, to the people” translating the Party’s policies into the peopled conscientious action and implementing the mass line in all government activities. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 29.


例句 1:
毛泽东日常口头言谈中关于群众路线的话语,大致也可归纳为一切为了群众,一切依靠群众,从群众中来、到群众中去,把党的正确主张变为群众的行动等方面。——“从日常口头谈话看毛泽东的群众路线观”,载于《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会 科学版)》2015年第6期
On the discourse of the mass line in the daily oral discourse of Mao Zedong can also be summarized as everything for the masses, all rely on the masses, from the masses, to the masses, the party’s correct ideas into action and other aspects of the masses.

例句 2:
The Communist Party of China puts forward the scientific concept of development under the new historical condition. The scientific concept of development is the latest theoretical result of Chinese socialist construction with Marxism social development theory. The scientific concept of development need integrate theory and practice closely, continuously practice of the masses, persist in materialism thoroughness, scientific realism and dialectical development, insist on the masses creating history to make its own process, hold on mass line of ‘from the masses, to the masses’, analyze objectively and solve correctly all kinds of contradicti





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