

字词 本位主义


selfish departmentalism; parochialism


[1] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 107.
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 427.




[1] 张蔚萍.思想政治工作知识辞典[Z].河北人民出版社,1990.
[2] 景杉.中国共产党大辞典[Z].中国国际广播出版社,1991.
[3] 本位主义.via:https://baike.baidu.com/item/本位主义/757058?fr=aladdin


1. 各级党组织和领导干部要牢固树立大局观念和全局意识,正确处理保证中央政令畅通和立足实际创造性开展工作的关系,任何具有地方特点的工作部署都必须以贯彻中央精神为前提。要防止和克服地方和部门保护主义、本位主义,决不允许“上有政策、下有对策”,决不允许有令不行、有禁不止,决不允许在贯彻执行中央决策部署上打折扣、做选择、搞变通。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:386

1. Party organizations and officials at all levels must develop a holistic view and appropriately handle the relationship between ensuring smooth implementation of the central leaderships orders and policies and conducting work with an innovative spirit based on concrete conditions,making sure that all plans concerning local work and development are based on the prerequisite of implementing the central leaderships guidelines. We must prevent or, if necessary, rectify departmental and local protectionism and parochialism, and never allow local policies to trump central policies, the sidelining of government decrees or prohibitions, of perfunctory or selective enforcement of or accommodations in the enforcement of the central leaderships policy decisions and plans. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 427.

2. (六)本位主义,一切只知道为四军打算,不知道武装地方群众是红军的重要任务之一。这是一种放大了的小团体主义。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:87

2. 6. Selfish departmentalism—they think only of the Fourth Army and do not realize that it is an important task of the Red Army to arm the local masses. This is cliquism in a magnified form. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 107.

3. (一)从教育上提高党内的政治水平,肃清单纯军事观点的理论根源,认清红军和白军的根本区别。同时,还要肃清机会主义和盲动主义的残余,打破四军本位主义。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:87

3. 1. Raise the political level in the Party by means of education, destroy the theoretical roots of the purely military viewpoint, and be clear on the fundamental difference between the Red Army and the White army. At the same time, eliminate the remnants of opportunism and putschism and break down the selfish departmentalism of the Fourth Army. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 107.


例句 1:
This essay traces the history of Competency-based Teacher Educational (CBTE) thought in contemporary western world and explores its theoretical foundations. It also describes the main contents of CBTE, revealing that it is both behaviorism-oriented and holism-oriented today.

例句 2:
While the western society carries out individualism,the Chinese traditional society has been carrying out the patriarchal system.This is the major difference between western and eastern societies.

例句 3:
Because of the deficiency of existing criminal law about environment, we must construct ideas of legislation that combine human-oriented doctrine with nature-oriented doctrine, and amend relevant structures of crime. While applying penalty properly, we should seek multiple means of penalty in order to strenthen environmental protection of criminal law in the western regions





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