

字词 确定性与随机性 

确定性与随机性 【英】

determinism and randomness; certainty and randomness


[1]Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 153.
[2]The ergodic hierarchy, randomness and Hamiltonian chaos. via: http://www.romanfrigg.org/writings/Ergodic_Hierarchy_SHPMP.pdf






1. 混沌理论的形成旨在解释非线性动态体系的运转,尽管它抓住了大众的想象力,产生了关于整个人文科学领域的广泛主题的著作。毫无疑问,就其具有的混乱和分散(这恰恰是解构主义者和后现代主义者正在反对权威的运动中寻找的东西)而言,“混沌”一词本身有利于这种广泛的借用。因而,索卡尔和布里克蒙正确地指出,它并不必然带有对科学家的相同的形而上学指责。吸引哲学家和文化理论家们的往往是决定论和随机性的反直觉性混合——这是混沌运转的核心——以及诸如奇异吸引子这样具有控制事件的神秘力量的实体。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:239

1. Chaos theory was devised to explain the workings of non-linear dynamic systems, although it has caught the popular imagination, generating books on a wide variety of topics across the gamut of the human sciences. No doubt the word ‘chaos’ itself has been instrumental in this widespread appropriation, given its overtones of disorder and fragmentation (exactly what deconstructionists and postmodernists are looking for in their campaign against authority), and Sokal and Bricmont are right to point out that it does not necessarily carry the same metaphysical charge to scientists. What tends to attract philosophers and cultural theorists is the counterintuitive mixture of determinism and randomness that lies at the heart of the workings of chaos, as well as such entities as strange attractors with their mysterious power to control events. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 152-153.

2. 当开放的总体可能会扩大的时候,它们决不可能被穷尽或整体地认识。就强调的重点而言,各种局限开始胜过进步,自组织开始胜过人类对各种体系的控制。对于那些试图操控自然和人化自然的社会政治理论家来说,随机性、不可预测性和悖论绝没有使生活变得更容易。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:255

2. Surveying the world of postmodern science reveals a general suspicion of totalizing theory, except in the postulation of open totalities, which, while they might become greater, can never be exhausted or known in their entirety. Limits come to be emphasised more than progress, and self-organisation more than human control of systems. Determinism seems less of a problem, although randomness, unpredictability and paradox make life no easier for the socio-political theorist trying to manipulate both nature and human nature. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 163.


例句 1:
According to the Chaos Theory, language is an open and complicated system of dynamics, whose development is the unity of the linear and the non linear, of order and disorder, and of certainty and randomness.

例句 2:
This article applies a pair of domains in the Chaos - certainty and randomness to the study of the news narrative by expounding the certainty factors of the authenticity and objectivity as regulated under the traditional news theory, and random ones of the selectivity in the process of news gathering and the uncertainties of thesubjective thinking, and finally describes the logical order in the combination of certainty and randomness in news narrative.

例句 3:
Based on chaos theory, this article analyzes chaos nature of the language: Order and disorder, determinism and randomness, initial value sensitivity and non-linear. It compares the differences between human's chaos thinking





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