

字词 互联互通




Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm


互联互通是中国在处理与东盟关系时提出的概念,起始于中国—东盟自贸区谈判。中国和东盟国家对互联互通的关注由来已久。2010年召开的第17届东盟领导人会议通过《东盟互联互通总体规划》,确定以基础设施建设、机制构建和人文交流为主体的互联互通建设蓝图(中国东盟力促互联互通 释放自贸区经济能量.via:
http://www.chinanews.com/cj/2013/09-11/5274702.shtml)。近几年来,“互联互通”被广泛应用于中国与周边国家的基础设施建设合作以及推进区域经济一体化。2014年11月5—1l日,中国在北京主办了2014年亚太经合组织(APEC)领导人会议。11月8日,习近平在“加强互联互通伙伴关系”东道主伙伴对话会上的讲话中指出“我们要建设的互联互通,不仅是修路架桥,不光是平面化和单线条的联通,而更应该是基础设施、制度规章、人员交流三位一体,应该是政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通五大领域齐头并进。这是全方位、立体化、网络状的大联通,是生机勃勃、群策群力的开放系统”(联通引领发展 伙伴聚焦合作——在“加强互联互通伙伴关系”东道主伙伴对话会上的讲话.via:


[1] 中国东盟力促互联互通 释放自贸区经济能量.via:
[2] 联通引领发展 伙伴聚焦合作——在“加强互联互通伙伴关系”东道主伙伴对话会上的讲话.via:
[3] 杜兴鹏.中国—东盟海上互联互通建设研究[D].广西大学,2015.
[4] 基础设施互联互通是“三位一体”互联互通的基础.via:


1. 扎实推进“一带一路”建设。统筹国内区域开发开放与国际经济合作,共同打造陆上经济走廊和海上合作支点,推动互联互通、经贸合作、人文交流。构建沿线大通关合作机制,建设国际物流大通道。推进边境经济合作区、跨境经济合作区、境外经贸合作区建设。坚持共商共建共享,使“一带一路”成为和平友谊纽带、共同繁荣之路。——《2016年政府工作报告》

1. We will work to secure solid progress in pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative. We will promote domestic regional development and opening up and international economic cooperation in a coordinated way, work with other countries and regions to build overland economic corridors and maritime cooperation hubs, and promote connectivity, economic and trade cooperation, and cultural exchange. We will work to develop cooperative mechanisms for achieving compatibility in customs clearance procedures along the routes and build international logistics networks. We will promote the development of border economic cooperation zones, cross-border economic cooperation zones, and overseas economic and trade cooperation zones. With a commitment to achieving common development and shared growth through joint consultation, we will ensure that the Belt and Road Initiative creates bonds of peace, friendship, and common prosperity. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2016.

2. 构建全方位对外开放新格局。推进丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路合作建设。加快互联互通、大通关和国际物流大通道建设。构建中巴、孟中印缅等经济走廊。扩大内陆和沿边开放,促进经济技术开发区创新发展,提高边境经济合作区、跨境经济合作区发展水平。积极推动上海和广东、天津、福建自贸试验区建设,在全国推广成熟经验,形成各具特色的改革开放高地。——《2015年政府工作报告》

2. We will work with the relevant countries in developing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. We will move faster to strengthen infrastructure connectivity with China’s neighbors, simplify customs clearance procedures, and build international logistics gateways. We will work to build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor. We will make China’ s interior and border areas more open to the outside world, promote the innovation-driven development of economic and technological development zones, and upgrade both border and cross-border economic cooperation areas. We will work actively to develop pilot free trade zones in Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, and Fujian, and extend good practices developed in these zones to the rest of the country so that such zones become leading reform and opening up areas, each with its own distinctive features. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2015.

3. 推进基础设施互联互通和国际大通道建设,共同建设国际经济合作走廊。——via:http://www.theorychina.org/sy/201608/t20160819_344813.shtml

3. We should help to increase infrastructure connectivity and develop major international thoroughfares as well as work with overseas partners to build international economic cooperation corridors. –via: http://www.theorychina.org/sy/201608/t20160819_344813.shtml


例句 1:
With the connectivity cooperation in APEC developing from Supply-Chain Connectivity to Comprehensive Connectivity, the scope and influence of the cooperation has been enlarged continuously. Related assessment result shows that the Supply- Chain Connectivity has been improved after the implementation of SCFAP, but infrastructure is still a main chokepoint of connectivity.

例句 2:
The construction of linguistic connectivity is an indispensable part of China’s connectivity project with its neighboring countries. Within the conceptual framework of lingua franca, this paper argues that linguistic connectivity can be categorized into bi-lateral and multi-lateral linguistic connectivities, with the former enhancing the study and use of national lingua franca, and the latter regional and cross-regional and global lingua francas.

例句 3:
机场作为重要的运输基础设施,其运营效率影响着海上丝绸之路互联互通的效率。以海上丝绸之路沿线 15 个主要机场公司为样本,利用网络 DEA 模型研究运营效率及其变化,结果表明,多时期两阶段结构的机场公司整体效率,不仅受到航空服务和商业服务





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