

字词 科学事实


scientific facts


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 472.




[2]科学事实.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=p0PTLs0Dhlbp0BipS6qqAJEXliTRzRZTI7CNMjV1n7vhY6MRHUe5L1wbd75b3oxLFgTi9WoWnAGBy4JdXfgcUq


1. 此外,它们提供了古代从未想到过的、虽然还未系统化的许多科学事实:磁针、印刷、活字、亚麻纸(十二世纪以来阿拉伯人和西班牙犹太人所使用的;棉纸自十世纪以来就逐渐出现,而在十三和十四世纪已经传布得更广,莎草纸从阿拉伯人占领埃及以后就根本不再使用了)、火药、眼镜、在计时上和力学上是一巨大进步的机械时计。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:531

1. In addition they produced a mass of scientific facts, although as yet unsystematised, such as antiquity never had: the magnetic needle, printing, type, flax paper (used by the Arabs and Spanish Jews since the twelfth century, cotton paper gradually making its appearance since the tenth century, and already more widespread in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, papyrus quite obsolete in Egypt since the Arabs), gunpowder, spectacles, mechanical clocks, great progress both of chronology and of mechanics. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 472.

2. 它们如同任何真正的科学一样,自以为有一个对象,其实,它们研究的对靠无非是某个特定的现实,而且这个现实还是许多互相竞争的“科学”你抢我夺的对象:这是没有构成科学事实、因而不具有统一性的一堆现象而已。

2. Which think, like every true science, that they have an object, when they are merely dealing with a certain given reality that is anyway disputed and torn between several competing ‘sciences’: a certain domain of phenomena not yet constituted into scientific facts and therefore not unified. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 171.

3. 相反,它的工作是要通过对由以往的意识形态理论实践所确定的意识形态“事实”的批判,确定它自身的科学事实。——《保卫马克思》,1984:156

3. On the contrary, its particular labour consists of elaborating its own scientific facts through a critique of the ideological ‘facts’ elaborated by an earlier ideological theoretical practice. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 184.


例句 1:
And the other is its significance on science communication, this is, the frontier issues of science and the facts cited in this book, not only increase the effect of science communication, but also make this communication more precise.

例句 2:
Scientific facts are one kind of interpretation. This argument confirms that scientific facts are a dialectic unification of fact and interpretation: “the property of fact” symbolizes the value and status while “the interpretative property” contains the possible condition of scientific facts.

例句 3:
The application of P. Ricoeur’s requirements of text to the basic text of science, i.e. formal system and scientific fact, clearly displays the hermeneutic meaning of scientific text.





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