

字词 科学主义




[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: xxiv-xxv.
[2] Scientism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientism


科学主义主要思想可概括为:认定真正的科学知识只有一种,即自然科学。自然科学是最权威的世界观,也是人类最重要的知识,其高于一切其他类的对生活的诠释(科学主义.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v46461.htm?fromTitle=科学主义)。科学主义为西方文献中带有贬义,凡超出合理范围而赋予科学过高的赞誉、地位和权威,就被指责为“科学主义”。但是,科学的合理范围究竟是什么,是有争议的:某人认为是科学的,也许另一个人就会认为是科学主义的。在16和17世纪,在西方占支配地位的看法是:科学应该是包括社会知识和心理学知识在内的所有知识分支的总和;科学知识的扩展,不仅会保证物质福利的不断增长,而且会支持成长中的美学、道德和政治的启蒙运;随着对人类本性和潜力的科学研究的日益深入,就会出现新的社会、经济和政治组织。欧洲早期的工业化成就,促进了对科学的这种乐观态度的形成。到19世纪,在法国社会学家A·孔德及实证主义信徒那里,这种观点进一步转变成一种工业社会的专家治国主义。和科学主义相反,有一种观点把工业资本主义造成的剥削及丧失人性的后果,全部归因于科学理性本性,因此对科学理性持批判态度,对受工业专家统治的社会秩序(这种秩序被认为是表现科学理性和受科学理性支撑的)持批判态度。科学主义和反科学主义,在20世纪都有各自的赞同者(罗肇鸿等,1995:688-689)。


[1] 罗肇鸿,王怀宁.资本主义大辞典[Z].人民出版社,1995.
[2] 科学主义.via:


1. 20世纪60年代,法国西方马克思主义者阿尔都塞以科学主义(主要是巴什拉的认识论和准结构主义)方法重新界划马克思思想发展进程,提出了所谓的马克思哲学思想的“断裂说”阿尔都塞没有从一般文本的表层语义出发进行反思,而是着眼于马克思思想发展的不同特点的深层理论结构(“问题式”,即提问的基本方法和逻辑结构),从而指认了存在着以1845年4月马克思的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》为分界线的两个马克思,即处于人本主义意识形态逻辑框架中的青年马克思与创立了全新科学世界观的马克思主义者的马克思。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:6

1. In the 1960s, the Western Marxist scholar Louis Althusser, using methods of scientism (primarily Gaston Bachelard’s epistemology and quasi-structuralism), re-categorized the progressive development of Marxist thought by proposing the “rupture theory” in the collection of essays entitled For Marx. Althusser’s analysis is not rooted in the surface semantics of the general texts, but rather focuses on the underlying theoretical structure (the “problematic,” or fundamental method and logical structure of posing questions) of the various characteristics in the development of Marx's philosophy. Thus, Althusser identifies two Marxs, divided by Marx's Theses on Feuerbach, which was published in April of 1845. The first Marx, supported by the logical framework of humanist ideology, he dubs “young Marx,” and the second Marx, the Marx who established a brand new scientific worldview, he calls “mature Marx”. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxiv-xxv.

2. 就像青年马克思一样,卢卡奇是通过黑格尔走向马克思主义的。这条路径终于使卢卡奇既反对社会主义工会领袖们20年前推行的“经济主义”理论设想,也反对以前许多马克思主义哲学家的科学主义倾向中对那么明显的自然必然性的强调。他批判了自然辩证法的概念及认识的反映论,并指责《反杜林论》对辩证法缺乏了解。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:166

2. Like the young Marx, Lukács had found his way to Marxism through Hegel. This approach involved Lukács in opposing the theoretical presuppositions both of the “economism” practised by the Socialist trade union leaders for the previous two decades and the emphasis on natural necessity so evident in the scientism of so many previous Marxist philosophers. He criticised the idea of a dialectics of nature, the reflection theory of knowledge, and took Anti-Dühring to task for its deficient understanding of dialectics. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 174.

3. 第三种解读模式即是西方马克思主义科学方法学派的所谓“断裂说”。质言之,也可以称之为对马克思哲学思想的意识形态与科学的异质论的解读模式。这种解读模式恰恰是在对上述第二组解读模式的理论逻辑的反拨中形成的。20世纪60年代,法国西方马克思主义者阿尔都塞以科学主义(主要是巴什拉的认识论和准结构主义)方法重新界划马克思思想发展进程,提出了所谓的马克思哲学的“断裂说”。阿尔都塞没有从一般文本的表层语义出发进行反思,而是着眼于马克思思想发展的不同特点的深层理论结构(“问题式”,即提问的基本方法和逻辑结构)从而指认了存在着以1845年4月马克思的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》为分界线的两个马克思,即处于人本主义意识形态逻辑框架中的青年马克思与创立了全新科学世界观的马克思主义者的马克思。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:6

3. The third interpretive model, advanced by the Western Marxist school of scientific methodology, is the so-called “rupture theory”. Simply put, this can be considered an ideological and scientific interpretive model which emphasizes the heterogeneity in Marx’s philosophical thought. This model was formed as a theoretical repudiation of the second interpretive model. In the 1960s, the Western Marxist scholar Louis Althusser, using methods of scientism (primarily Gaston Bachelard’s epistemology and quasi-structuralism), re-categorized the progressive development of Marxist theory by proposing the “rupture theory” in the collection of essays of the general texts, but rather focuses on the underlying theoretical structure (the “problematic”, or fundamental method and logical structure of posing question) of the various characteristics in the development of Marx’s philosophy. Thus, Althusser identifies two Marxs, divided by Marx’s These on Feuerbach, which was published in April of 1845. The first Marx, supported by the logical framework of humanist ideology, he dubs “young Marx”, and the second Marx, the Marx who established a brand new scientific worldview, he calls “mature Marx”. –Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxiv-xxv.


例句 1:
Scientism is a relief which agrees that the natural science is the quintessence of human knowledge,and that the science method is the exclusive means that can be applied to any actual knowledge.Scientism is inevitable in history.

例句 2:
This subject adopts the methods of literature analysis, the method of induction and deduction and the method of analysis and synthesis and so on, and relies on the relationship’s definition of the connotation of Scientism and Scientism, science, humanism and anti-science, which inspects the basis, power, the evolution of morphology and the evaluative and contemporary patterns and discusses the role of science and history and its contemporary value. It not only elaborates the role of science in history fully, but also analysis the science’s failures, in which the aim is that corrects scientific concept from the concept and promotes harmonious development of the scientific and technology, economic and society.

例句 3:





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