

字词 人性平等


equality of human nature


[1] The Black Biretta. via:
[2] human nature. via:




[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 杨国荣.个体自主与人性平等:正义的二重根据[N].中国社会科学报,2013年3月11日第五版.


1. 由于在已经形成的无产阶级身上实际上已完全丧失了一切合乎人性的东西,甚至完全丧失了合乎人性的外观,由于在无产阶级的生活条件中现代社会一切生活条件达到了违反人性的顶点,由于在无产阶级身上人失去了自己,同时他不仅在理论上意识到了这种损失,而且还直接由于不可避免的、无法掩饰的、绝对不可抗拒的贫困——必然性的这种实际表现——的逼迫,不得不愤怒地反对这种违反人性的现象,由于这一切,所以无产阶级能够而且必须自己解放自己。——《历史与阶级意:识关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:71

1. The proletariat can and must liberate itself because when the proletariat is fully developed, its humanity and even the appearance of its humanity has become totally abstract; because in the conditions of its life all the conditions of life of contemporary society find their most inhuman consummation; because in the proletariat man is lost to himself but at the same time he has acquired a theoretical consciousness of this loss, and is driven by the absolutely imperious dictates of his misery--the practical expression of this necessity--which can no longer be ignored or whitewashed, to rebel against this inhumanity. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971:20.

2. 事实上,在工业文明之前的史前社会并非是一种被浪漫主义美化了的天堂,在那里,“人性是受非人化的物所支配的”,因为人还是“自然的奴隶”(恩格斯语),人的意识在总体上仍然处于物性化得模仿阶段。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:65

2. Actually, the prehistoric society prior to the industrial civi1ization is not a paradise as idealized by the romanticists; at that time, “humanity was still dominated by the impersonal things,” because men were, as Engels put it, “the slave of nature,” and human consciousness, overall, is at the stage of reifie-tional mimesis. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 100.

3. 一九二五年,孙中山先生在其临终的遗嘱上说:“余致力国民革命凡四十年,其目的在求中国之自由平等。积四十年之经验,深知欲达到此目的,必须唤起民众及联合世界上以平等待我之民族共同奋斗。”——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:971

3. In 1925 Dr. Sun Yat-sen declared in his deathbed Testament: For forty years I have devoted myself to the cause of the national revolution with the aim of winning freedom and equality for China. My experience during these forty years has firmly convinced me that to achieve this aim we must arouse the masses of the people and unite in a common fight with those nations of the world who treat us as equals. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 293.


例句 1:
From the perspective of ideal justice,the assumptions about human equality contained the idea that basic rights are equal and the opinion of “electing the wise and able” and doing good to vulnerable groups reflected the idea for “Things for all people” in Pre-qin Confucianism; from the perspective of institutional justice, the Pre-qin Confucianists stood for Confucian doctrine with the premise of “identifying status” and the purpose of promoting “he”.

例句 2:
Second, the article mainly analyses the basic content and characters of Kang’s theory and path to the “supreme goodness”. Kang absorbed what is good and rejected what is bad from the classics of Chinese traditional philosophy and established his main concept of Unary, which believes that human natures arc equal and no good or evil.

例句 3:





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