

字词 西学


Western learning


Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 371.




[1] 西学.via:http://baike.so.com/doc/5813185-6025992.html
[2] 毛泽东.毛泽东选集(第二卷)[C].人民出版社,1991.


1. 在“五四”以前,中国文化战线上的斗争,是资产阶级的新文化和封建阶级的旧文化的斗争。在“五四”以前,学校与科举之争,新学与旧学之争,西学与中学之争,都带着这种性质。那时的所谓学校、新学、西学,基本上都是资产阶级代表们所需要的自然科学和资产阶级的社会政治学说,说基本是说那中间还夹杂了许多中国的封建余毒在内)。在当时,这种所谓新学的思想,有同中国封建思想作斗争的革命作用,是替旧时期的中国资产阶级民主革命服务的。可是,因为中国资产阶级的无力和世界已经进到帝国主义时代,这种资产阶级思想只能上阵打几个回合,就被外国帝国主义的奴化思想和中国封建主义的复古思想的反动同盟所打退了,被这个思想上的反动同盟军稍稍一反攻,所谓新学,就偃旗息鼓,宣告退却,失了灵魂,而只剩下它的躯壳了。旧的资产阶级民主主义文化,在帝国主义时代,已经腐化,已经无力了,它的失败是必然的。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:696-697

1. Before the May 4th Movement, the struggle on China’s cultural front was one between the new culture of the bourgeoisie and the old culture of the feudal class. The struggles between the modern school system and the imperial examination system, between the new learning and the old learning, and between Western learning and Chinese learning, were all of this nature. The so-called modern schools or new learning or Western learning of that time concentrated mainly (we say mainly, because in part pernicious vestiges of Chinese feudal- ism still remained) on the natural sciences and bourgeois social and political theories, which were needed by the representatives of the bourgeoisie. At the time, the ideology of the new learning played a revolutionary role in fighting the Chinese feudal ideology, and it served the bourgeois-democratic revolution of the old period. However, because the Chinese bourgeoisie lacked strength and the world had already entered the era of imperialism, this bourgeois ideology was only able to last out a few rounds and was beaten back by the reactionary alliance of the enslaving ideology of foreign imperialism and the “back to the ancients” ideology of Chinese feudalism; as soon as this reactionary ideological alliance started a minor counter-offensive, the so-called new learning lowered its banners, muffled its drums and beat a retreat, retaining its outer form but losing its soul. The old bourgeois-democratic culture became enervated and decayed in the era of imperialism, and its failure was inevitable. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 371.

2. 西学东渐是近世中国与西方世界交流的总体趋势。晚清新式学堂的兴起与西学东渐有着莫大的关系。在西学的冲击下,传统学术开始了近代的擅变,与学术有着密切关系的教育体系也随之发生变革。书院、官学逐渐衰落,采用西方分科教育的学堂开始逐步建立。教师是教育体系中极为重要的因素。在清末,教师作为一个群体随知识分子群体的形成而产生,在近代社会的变革和西学东渐的文化交流总态势中,发挥着极为重要的作用。本文以晚清新式学堂教师群体为研究对象,力图对这一群体形成的背景、过程、标志、群体结构、意识、行为、特点以及群体地位进行系统研究,重点探讨其在中外文化交流、近代化进程以及社会变革中的地位和作用。——《西学东渐与晚晴新式学堂教师群体研究》,2006

2. The Eastward Transmission of Western Sciences is the cultural inter-communication trend between China and west in the mass. The appearance of the New-style School in late Qing Dynasty has many affiliations with the Eastward Transmission of Western Sciences. With the impact of western sciences, traditional sciences began to change and in the meantime, the education, which having many affinities with learnings, started transforming. The academy and state school gradually declined, however, schools adopting western-style department instruction began to establish. Teacher is the vital factor in the education system. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, as a group, teachers come into being along with the forming of the intellectual-group, and have an extremely significant effect on modern social change and culture intercourse between China and west. This paper systemically researches the teacher group of the new-style school in late Qing Dynasty, including the backgrounds, the process, the sign, the constitution, the consciousness, the behavior, the character and the status, as the emphasis on the status and effect of culture intercourse between China and west, modernization course and social change. -Quoted from Teacher Groups of the New-style School during the Eastward Transmission of Western Sciences in late Qing Dynasty, 2006.


例句 1:
The introductiohn of western learning to the east objectively promoted the dissemination of Marxist philosophy in China, forming an important historical preruquisite for the sinicization of Marxist philosophy.

例句 2:
The western learning propagated at the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are mainly those of Catholic doctrines and scientific technologies.

例句 3:
Ideologically, the official historiography insists the Occidental Learning Originating from China and View of Huaxia Center and adapts refusal attitude to ideologies in occidental learning.





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