

字词 《伦敦笔记》


London Notes


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 390.


马克思1849年8月迁居伦敦后,从1850年初开始继续进行政治经济学的研究工作,从1850年9月到1853年8月,写作了工24本笔记,这些没有名称的笔记笔记被称作“伦敦笔记”。当时马克思所研究的问题范围十分广泛,而研究工作所具有的理论水平也大大超过19世纪40年代。当时他在笔记中对大卫李嘉图的以货币数量论为基础的流通理论有了新的认识,指出这个理论是与现实相矛盾的。事实上,不是流通中的货币数量决定商品价格,相反的是流通中的货币数量本身取决于用货币作为媒介来进行交换的商品价格总额。马克思还批判李嘉图的地租理论,用历史事实批驳了李嘉图把地租的增长看成是由农产品价格上涨引起的错误观点。并指出李嘉图把级差地租的生产与所谓土地收益递减“规律”联系在一起也是错误的。但是马克思在当时既还没有阐明货币本质与商品价值取决于劳动时间这一规定之间的联系,也还没有制定自己的地租理论。他当时主要还是用历史事实和现实的实践经验来检验他之前的经济学家的理论。在伦敦笔记中马克斯第一次发现了李嘉图体系中的一个矛盾,即李嘉图无法在价值规律的基础上去说明利润如何从资本与劳动的交换中产生出来。马克思试图去解决这个矛盾,但是,由于它在当时还没有把工人出卖给资本家的商品理解为劳动力,所以他只是证明以“余额”形式存在的利润不是来源于流通领域,而是来自于生产领域。事实上,《伦敦笔记》只反映着马克思整个工作的研究阶段,即“充分的占有材料,分析它的各种发展形势,探寻这些形式的内在联系”至于现实的运动和如何才能适当的叙述出来,则是整个工作下一阶段的任务。(《伦敦笔记》.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E4%BC%A6%E6%95%A6%E7%AC%94%E8%AE%B0&prd=so_1_doc)


《伦敦笔记》.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E4%BC%A6%E6%95%A6%E7%AC%94%E8%AE%B0&prd=so_1_doc


1. 从1850年9月到1853年8月,马克思写下了了大量以摘录为主的笔记和少量手稿,其中标序号的有24本,大约1250页。这就是著名的《伦敦笔记》。这些笔记大部分保留了下来,现存于荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际社会历史研究所。这一笔记是马克思第二个伟大发现即创立自己科学的政治经济学理论的原始资料群,所以这也是马克思主义政治经济学最初理论构建的《1867-1858年经济学手稿》的直接思考前提。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:498

1. Between September, 1850 and August, 1853, Marx wrote a prodigious amount of notes and a few manuscripts, all of which were primarily made up of excerpted material. These are organized in 24 numbered notebooks, comprising approximately 1250 pages. These are the famous London Notes. The majority of these notes are still in existence, held at the Amsterdam International Institute of Social History in Holland. This was the original body of material that Marx would use in his second great discovery, the establishment of his own scientific theory of political economy. As such, this was the immediate thinking premise to the Grundrisse, the earliest theoretical construct of Marxist political economy. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 390.

2. 在《伦敦笔记》第7册笔记的最后,马克思重新摘录了斯密的主要著作,所切入的问题还是货币与货币资本。第8册笔记,是马克思在第4册笔记中重新研究李嘉图主要著作的续篇。也就是从第8册笔记开始,马克思较多地转向一般经济学理论的评价,除去价值、利润、工资等问题,他还摘录了地租方面的资料。除了李嘉图,马克思还摘录了斯图亚特、图克、巴顿、拉塞姆。德·昆西、凯里和琼斯的著作,但其理论关注的思考中轴还是李嘉图。这是马克思第三次认真地面对李嘉图,从中我们已经能够看到,这一次“认真面对”中直接显示了马克思在根本推翻李嘉图之后必然创立科学的劳动价值论和剩余价值论的逻辑前兆。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:500

2. At the very end of the seventh volume of notes in London Notes, Marx once again excerpts from Smith’s primary work, still focusing on the issues of money and money-capital. In the eighth volume of notes Marx continues the research he had begun in the fourth notebook on Ricardo’s primary work. Also beginning with the eighth volume, Marx begins to turn towards a general commentary on economics theory, taking excerpts from Stuart, Tooke, Ramsay, De Quincy, Carey, and Jones. However, the central axis of Marx’s thinking is still Ricardo. This is the third time that Marx seriously faces Ricardo; from these three attempts we can see the logical precursor to the scientific labor theory of value and theory of surplus value that Marx necessarily established after he fundamentally overthrew Ricardo. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 392-393.


例句 1:
In the first half of the 1850s, Marx read many of the books about the political, economic and industrial, agricultural, land, commerce, trade, etc, and gave a large amount of notes which were called “London Notes”.

例句 2:
Finally, during the period from the London Notes to Capital, after comprehensively studying the traditional political economy, especially the theories about the London Notes, Marx starts to rethink and criticize David Ricardo’s quantity theory of money and labor theory of value, which he has always been dependent on.

例句 3:
And then Marx turned to some research about Economics and wrote a lot of notes named Londoner Hefte.





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