字词 | 政府债券 |
释义 | 政府债券【英】government bond; government obligation译文来源[1] Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: 定义政府债券是指政府财政部门或其他代理机构为筹集资金,以政府名义发行的债券。其发行主体是政府,主要包括国库券和公债两大类。一般国库券是由财政部发行,用以弥补财政收支不平衡;公债是指为筹集建设资金而发行的一种债券。有时也将两者统称为公债。中央政府发行的称中央政府债券(国家公债),地方政府发行的称地方政府债券(地方公债)。政府债券具有安全性高、流通性强、收益稳定、免税待遇的特征(via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E5%80%BA%E5%88%B8/3521036?fr=aladdin)。按发行目的不同,政府债券可分为:(1)赤字国家债券。为弥补预算赤字而发行的债券。(2)建设国家债券。为进行公共投资而发行的债券。按期限长短可分为:(1)长期国债券。期限10年,每半年付息一次。(2)中期国债券。期限2-4年,每半年付息一次,利息一般比长期国债券稍低。(3)短期国债券。为解决一时资金不足而发行的,期限不超过一年。按政府债券能否转让可以划分为:(1)可转让国债券。在市场上可自由流通转让。(2)不可转让国债券。不能在市场上流通转让,但在一定条件下,有请求政府提前偿还的权利。根据债券发行地区的不同可分为:(1)内债。政府在国内发行的债券。(2)外债。政府在国外发行的债券。由于国家债券的还本付息由国家作保证,所以在债券中信用度最高而投资风险最小,故其利率也较其他债券低。 定义来源via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E5%80%BA%E5%88%B8/3521036?fr=aladdin 例句1. 积极的财政政策注重加力增效,扩大结构性减税范围,实行普遍性降费,盘活财政存量资金。发行地方政府债券置换存量债务3.2万亿元,降低利息负担约2000亿元,减轻了地方政府偿债压力。稳健的货币政策注重松紧适度,多次降息降准,改革存贷比管理,创新货币政策工具,加大对实体经济支持力度。扩大有效投资,设立专项基金,加强水利、城镇棚户区和农村危房改造、中西部铁路和公路等薄弱环节建设。——《2016年政府工作报告》 1. We adopted proactive fiscal policy that focused on increasing intensity and efficacy by expanding the scope of structural tax reductions, reducing fees across the board, and putting dormant budgetary funds to good use. Local government bonds issued to replace outstanding debt reached 3.2 trillion yuan, lessoning the interest payment burden of local governments by approximately 200 billion yuan while also reducing their debt repayment pressure. We pursued prudent monetary policy with an appropriate amount of intensity, making several cuts to interest rates and required reserve ratios, reforming management of the loan-to-deposit ratio, creating new monetary policy tools, and increasing support for the real economy. Effective investment increased, special-purpose funds were established, and development was strengthened in areas in need of attention, including water conservancy, rundown urban areas and dilapidated rural housing, and railways and highways in the central and western regions. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. 2. 1844年的银行法把英格兰银行划分为一个发行部和一个银行部。前者持有担保品——绝大部分是政府债券——1400万镑,并持有全部金属贮藏(其中银最多不得超过四分之一),并按二者的总和发行等额的银行券。一切不在公众手中的银行券都在银行部,再加上日常使用所必需的少数铸币(大约100万),形成银行部的常设准备金。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷)》,1974:628 2. The Bank Act of 1844 divides the Bank of England into an issue department and a banking department. The former receives securities—principally government obligations—amounting to 14 million, and the entire metal hoard, of which not more than one-quarter is to consist of silver, and issues notes to the full amount of the total. In so far as these notes are not in the hands of the public, they are held in the banking department and, together with the small amount of coin required for daily use (about one million), constitute its ever ready reserve. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1971: 550. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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