

字词 开放型市场社会主义


open market socialism


市场社会主义是西方大约一个多世纪以来倡导和探索社会主义和市场经济相结合的道路与模式的思想理论。它既不同于以美国为代表的市场资本主义,也不同于以苏联为代表的计划社会主义的社会经济体制。加尔布雷恩、沃德、柏格森等学者把它的特征大致概括如下:第一,把资源配置形式和社会制度分离开来。把计划机制、市场机制与社会主义、资本主义分开来。他们认为,计划和市场都是资源配置的手段,与社会制度的性质是没有关系的。第二,主张实行生产资料的公有制。市场社会主义反对生产资料私有制的存在,主张实行生产资料的公有制。如英国学者科亨认为:“市场社会主义是社会主义,是因为它克服了劳动和资本的分离。在市场社会主义中,不存在一个不拥有资本的与劳动者相对立的资本家。”但他们对生产资料公有的具体形式有不同的看法,如国家所有、集体所有、全民股份制等。第三,他们主张以市场作为资源配置的主要手段,这也是市场社会主义的主要特点。但是在多大范围、何种程度上、何种方式上,不同时期、不同国家、不同学者的主张各不相同(《市场社会主义》,via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=qE5r4-YfTDUiIN9smndRv4cnadbPUdByJGk-hFrt_9LzfwgicXXX0X_NqAD_EUIs5BeywxsqcXei2SmsO2lcoK)。开放型市场社会主义则强调市场社会主义的开放性,不是一个国家的市场社会主义,而具有国际性,注重国际交流与合作,这是市场社会主义在新时代的新提法。




1. 下面,继续探讨经济方面的话题。最近,有一部关于市场社会主义的文献,极具趣味性。该部著作可追溯到20世纪30年代那场高度理论化的讨论。当时,这场讨论是在诸如冯·米泽斯(Von Mises)和兰格(Lange)等作家之间,就社会主义条件下经济流通的可能性展开的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:348

1. To continue the economic theme, there has recently been a most interesting literature on market socialism. This has its origin in highly theoretical debates in the 1930s about the possibility of economic calculation under socialism between such writers as von Mises and Lange. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 362.

2. 然而,从马克思主义的观点看,这些努力并没有太多地促动马克思自身的原理的发展。尽管就市场社会主义克服了劳资之间的对立而言,它是社会主义的,但它没有把重点放在经济平等上。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:348

2. From a Marxist point of view, however, these attempts do not add much to the furtherance of Marx's own principles. Although market socialism is socialist in that it overcomes the division between capital and labour, it lays no emphasis on economic equality. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 362.

3. 马克思对市场并不友好:按需分配、而不是按(功)劳分配,是他的共产主义社会的原则。他就市场社会主义所能说出的最中昕的话,也无非是:它代表了这样一个社会“从各个方面,无论从经济上、道德上,还是从文化上来说,这个社会仍然带有它所脱胎而出的旧社会的胎记”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:348

3. Marx was no friend of the market: income according to need rather than desert was the principle of his communist society. And the best that he could have said of market socialism was that it represented a society ‘which is in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually still stamped with the birth marks of the old society from whose womb it emerges.’ -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 362.


例句 1:
Western market socialism theory achieved its booming period in the 1980s and 1990s. because of its conjunction with socialist market economy, it enters into the horizon of domestic scholars.

例句 2:
This paper thinks that populism is main driving force behind of formation of authoritarian politics in Belorussia, on the one hand, and market socialism is basis of consolidation and institutionalization of authoritarianism, on the other. Briefly speaking, it is a result of market competing against democracy, hence it has periodic reason. 

例句 3:
Market socialism, an ideological trend of socialism initiated in the 1920s-1930s, involve economic, political, and ecological aspects, but its core value and standpoint is the theoretic evidence and enlightenment for establishing and perfecting the socialist market economy in our country.





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