

字词 《德法年鉴》


German-French Yearbook


[1] 邹诗鹏.马克思何以在激进民主主义上逗留?——再现马克思《德法年鉴》时期的政治哲学思想[J].哲学研究,2012(5):3-13.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:139.
[3] DEUTSCH-FRANZÖSISCHE JAHRBÜCHER. via: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/Marx_Articles_from_the_German_French_Yearbooks.pdf






1. 我在《德法年鉴》上曾预告要以黑格尔法哲学批判的形式对法学和国家学进行批判。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷):1844年经济学哲学手稿》,1979:45

1. I have already announced in the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher the critique of jurisprudence and political science in the form of a critique of the Hegelian philosophy of law. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3): Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, 1975: 1.

2. 如果说蒲鲁东本人还没有把私有制的各种进一步的形式,如工资、商业、价值、价格、货币等等,像“德法年鉴”那样看做私有制的形式(见弗·恩格斯的“政治经济学批判大纲”),而是用这些政治经济学的前提来反驳经济学家,那末这就完全符合他那从历史上说来可以原宥的上述观点。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1975:39

2. Proudhon does not consider the further creations of private property, e.g., wages, trade, value, price, money, etc., as forms of private property in themselves, as they are considered, for example, in the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (see Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy by F. Engels), but uses these economic premises in arguing against the political economists; this is fully in keeping with his historically justified standpoint to which we referred above. -Quoted from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol.4): The Holy Family, 1975: 32.

3. 在麦克斯看来,并非bourgeois(资产者)是citoyen(公民)的真理,相反地,citoyen是bourgeois的真理。这种既是神圣的又是德国的见解竟得出了这样的结论:在第130页上“市民地位”(应读作:资产阶级的统治)变为“思想,仅仅是思想”,而“国家”却作为“一个真正的人”出现,他在“人权”中赋予每一个资产者以“人”的权利,使他们真正名正言顺。这一切都是在关于国家和人权的幻想在“德法年鉴”中被充分揭露(这一事实圣麦克斯终于在其1845年的“辩护性的评注”中已经注意到了)之后完成的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:216

3. For Saint Max the bourgeois is not the truth of the citoyen, but the citoyen the truth of the bourgeois. This conception, which is as holy as it is German, goes to such lengths that, on page 130, "the middle class" (it should read: the domination of the bourgeoisie) is transformed into a "thought, nothing but a thought" and "the state" comes forward as the "true man", who in the "Rights of Man" confers the rights of "Man", the true solemnisation on each individual bourgeois. And all this occurs after the illusions about the state and the rights of man had already been adequately exposed in the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, a fact which Saint Max notices at last in his “Apologetical Commentary” anno 1845. -Quoted from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol.5): The German Ideology, 1975: 197-198.


例句 1:
“Germany and France Yearbook” period——the formation of the “People-centred” thinking in historical creator sense.

例句 2:
From “critique of Hegel’s philosophy of right” to “Deutsche-Franzoesische Jahrbuecher”: the philosophical foundation and preliminary development of Marx’s theory of civil society.

例句 3:
Marx's theory of need generally experiences four stages as follows: initial projection in the period of Rhein Zeitung and Deutsch-Franzősische Jahrbiicher, initial formation in the period of 1844 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, basic formation in the period of The German Ideology, as well as the richness and perfection in the period of Das Kapital and Economic Manuscripts.





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