

字词 费边社会主义(又作地方公有社会主义,市政社会主义)


Fabian socialism; municipal socialism


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 502. 
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978: 358.


费边社会主义亦称“地方公有社会主义”、“市政社会主义”。资产阶级改良主义主张。由英国资产阶级知识分子在1884年组成的费边社提出。主要代表为韦伯夫妇和萧伯纳。(金炳华,2003:285)费边社会主义指主张通过研究社会实况,以民主、渐进、温和的手段,通过阶级合作来解决问题,主张通过民主选举建立地方自治机关,企图以国家作为推动改革的工具,主张废止土地私有制、工业国有化,以及实现各种社会福利、社会和平,最终实现社会主义。费边社会主义是社会主义的一种,与马克思主义相对立,而费边主义则主张用温和的非暴力改良实现社会主义,排斥马克思阶级斗争及激烈革命的观点,反对无产阶级革命和无产阶级专政。费边社会主义的社会组织——费边社创立于1884年1月,费边社帮助建立了工党,而且一直成为工党的组成部分,费边社也一直是英国工党的理论库。费边社会主义的主要代表人物有乔治·肖伯纳、悉尼·韦伯、华莱士、威尔斯、阿特礼等,其成员几乎全是知识分子。费边社会主义的代表作有《费边宣言》(1884年)、《费边社纲领》(1889年),1889年出版的《费边论丛》一书,为费边社会主义奠定了基础。费边社会主义实际上是一种典型的资产阶级社会主义思潮,即资产阶级改良主义思潮,它的传播给欧洲的工人运动造成很大打击。(费边社会主义.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900013520387&d=AC936A6A48BF298019AD3EF234C2DC08)。恩格斯指出,费边社会主义这些形形色色的资产阶级社会主义者的主要目的“就是使资产者皈依社会主义,从而用和平和立宪的办法来实行社会主义”。(中共中央编译局,1971:351)费边社会主义的根本要害,就是“害怕革命,这就是他们的基本原则”。(中共中央编译局,2012:498)在第一次世界大战期间,费边社会主义者鼓吹社会沙文主义,费边社会主义属于现在的社会民主主义思想体系。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 费边社会主义.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900013520387&d=AC936A6A48BF298019AD3EF234C2DC08
[3] 中共中央编译局.马克思恩格斯全集(第三十七卷)[M].人民出版社,1971.
[4] 中共中央编译局.马克思恩格斯选集(第四卷)[C].人民出版社,2012.


1. 科斯特罗夫在斯德哥尔摩代表大会上说:“有些同志好象是第一次听到地方公有制的说法。我可以告诉他们,在西欧有整整一个流派〈!正是!〉叫作‘地方公有社会主义’〈英国〉,它主张扩充市政局和乡政局的财产,我们的同志也拥护这种主张。许多地方自治机关拥有不动产,这同我们的纲领并不矛盾。现在我们有可能无偿地〈!!〉为地方自治机关弄到〈!〉不动产,我们应该利用这种不动产。被没收的土地当然应该收归地方公有。”——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:322-323

1. “Some comrades,” said Kostrov at Stockholm, “seem to be hearing about municipal ownership for the first time. Let me remind them that in Western Europe there is a whole political trend [!precisely!] called ‘municipal socialism’ [England], which advocates the extension of ownership by urban and rural municipalities, and which is also supported by our comrades. Many municipalities own real estate, and that does not contradict our programme. We now have the possibility of acquiring [!] real estate for the municipalities gratis [!!] and we should take advantage of it. Of course, the confiscated land should be municipalised”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 358.

2. 伯恩施坦侨居英国的那段时期对其马克思主义观产生了决定性的影响。因虽然伯恩施坦本人表示,认为他受费边社影响的观点是“完全错误的”但几乎所有德国社会民主党的领导人一一包括恩格斯和倍倍尔在内一一都认为,不言自明的是,诚如罗莎·卢森堡(Rosa Luxemburg)所言“伯恩施坦是依据在英国所得出的各种关系而构筑起他的理论的,他是戴着英国眼镜看世界的。” 而且,费边派自身也认同这样一种看法。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:21

2. Bernstein's stay in England was decisive for his view of Marxism. Although Bernstein himself maintained that the idea of his being influenced by the Fabians was ‘completely mistaken’, almost all the leaders of the SPD, including Engels and Bebel, thought it self-evident that, to quote Rosa Luxemburg, ‘Bernstein has constructed his theory upon relationships obtaining in England. He sees the world through English spectacles’, and this was a view shared by the Fabians themselves. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction,1998: 24.

3. 费边派是1884年成立的英国改良主义组织费边社的成员,多为资产阶级知识分子,代表人物有悉·维伯、比·维伯、拉·麦克唐纳、肖伯纳、赫·威尔斯等。费边派虽认为社会主义是经济发展的必然结果,但只承认演进的发展道路。他们反对马克思主义的阶级斗争和无产阶级革命学说,鼓吹通过细微改良来逐渐改造社会,宣扬所谓“地方公有社会主义”。1900年费边社加入工党(当时称工人代表委员会),仍保留自己的组织。在工党中,它一直起制定纲领原则和策略原则的思想中心的作用。——《列宁全集(第三十五卷)》,1985:553

3. Fabians—members of the reformist Fabian Society founded in 1884. It was called after the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus, who earned the nickname Cunctator (the Delayer) for his dilatory tactics and avoidance of a decisive encounter with Hannibal. Its members were chiefly bourgeois intellectuals, scientists, writers and politicians (the Webbs, Ramsay MacDonald, George Bernard Shaw and others). The Fabians rejected the need for the workers to wage the class struggle and rejected the socialist revolution, maintaining that transition from capitalism to socialism could be effected by petty reforms and gradual social evolution. Lenin called Fabianism “an extremely opportunist trend” (Collected Works, Vol. 13, p. 358). In 1900 the Fabian Society formed a part of the Labour Party. “Fabian socialism” is a source of the Labour Party’s ideology. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 502


例句 1:
In English academe, the mainstream approach to Shaw’s political thought is to interpret and evaluate the inconsistencies of his socialism from the perspective of political philosophy; though focusing on those inconsistencies tends to underrate his place in the history of modern British political thought.

例句 2:
The coming of the welfare state was one of the most important political phenomena in Great Britain at the turn of century, and Bernard Shaw and Fabian socialism laid firm theoretical foundations of it.

例句 3:
All various active socialist ideological trends in the early 1930s, Fabian socialism is the most influential faction.





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