字词 | 货币贬值 |
释义 | 货币贬值【英】depreciation of money译文来源Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1985: 140. 定义亦称“通货贬值”。“货币升值”的对称。货币贬值指在各国普遍实行纸币流通制度下,一个国家正式宣布减少本国货币的法定含金量,以降低本国货币对外国货币的法定汇率,或直接宣布降低本国货币对外国货币的法定汇率。如1971年12月美国政府宣布美元含金量由原来的0.888671克减少为0.818513克,美元对黄金贬值7.89%,即由1盎司黄金等于35美元改为38美元。1973年2月美元再次贬值10%。即由1盎司黄金等于38美元改为44.2美元。某国的货币贬值可以从侧面反映该国的外汇收入减少和国际贸易实力减弱,但从另一方面看,某国的货币贬值,对该国经济也会有一定的好处。这是因为,货币贬值可以降低该国商品在国外的价格,增加其在国际市场上的竞争能力. 以扩大出口,同时,货币贬值还可以增加从国外进门商品的成本,因而可以减少进口,扩大出口,改善国际收支状况。另外 货币贬值可以使得外汇储备和国外调间的资产折合更多的本国货币,这意味着一种盈利。 定义来源刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994. 例句1. 梯也尔先生演说的第二部分是攻击一般的纸币。他把发行纸币叫做发行赝造货币。梯也尔先生向我们说明这样一个伟大的真理,即向市场抛出大量流通手段 ——货币,就会使这些货币贬值,从而欺骗双方面:既欺骗私人又欺骗国家。 ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1958:504 1. The second part of M. Thiers’ speech consists of attacks on paper money in general. He labels the issuing of paper money on the whole as counterfeiting. He reveals to us the great truth that if one throws too large a quantity of the means of circulation, i.e. money, on the market, one devalues money itself and thus cheats doubly: the individual and the state. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 470. 2. 过去的整个历史证明,每当发生这样的货币贬值时,资本家总是念忙利用这种良机来欺骗工人。但是,许多派别的经济学家断定说,由于新发现一些产金地、改进银矿开采和水银供给较廉的结果,贵重金属的价值又重新降低了。这也许可以说明为什么大陆上普遍地同时产生了提高工资的要求。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十六卷)》,1964:159 2. All past history proves that whenever such a depreciation of money occurs the capitalists are on the alert to seize this opportunity for defrauding the workman. A very large school of political economists assert that, consequent upon the new discoveries of gold lands, the better working of silver mines, and the cheaper supply of quicksilver, the value of precious metals has been again depreciated. This would explain the general and simultaneous attempts on the Continent at a rise of wages. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20), 1985: 140. 3. 有时,看起来实质上分离的行为,却是实质上互相联系的东西;有时,被认为实质上互相联系的行为,却是实质上真正分离的东西。当买卖确定不移地表现为实质上不同的行为的时候,就发生一切商品的普遍跌价。当货币明显地表现为只是交换的手段的时候,就发生货币贬值。或者价格普遍下跌,或者价格普遍上涨。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:148 3. At times it becomes clear that what appeared as an essentially divided act, is something essentially integrated; at other times, that what was thought to be an essentially integrated act is in reality essentially divided. At times in which purchase and sale assert themselves as essentially distinct acts, a general depreciation of all commodities takes place. At those in which money only functions as a means of exchange, a depreciation of money takes place. General fall or rise in prices. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 135. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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