

字词 反驳


refutation; objection


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 205.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976: 96.


反驳是确定某一论题虚假或论证不能成立的思维过程。有反驳论题、反驳论据和反驳论证三种方法。任何一种正确的反驳,都能确定被反驳论证的无效性,而反驳论题则可以进一步确定被反驳论题的虚假。反驳与论证不同,论证在于确定论题的真实性,反驳则在于确定对方论题的虚假或其论证不能成立。论证的作用在于揭露错误、驳斥谬误。但是,反驳与论证又是互相联系的。如确定判断“p”是假的,也就是确定“p是假的”这一判断为真,因此也可以把反驳看成论证,间接论证是通过确定另一个或另一些判断的虚假来进行的,因此,论证中有反驳,间接反驳是通过证明与被反驳论题相矛盾或反对的判断的真实性来进行的,因此,反驳中有论证,两者是相辅相成的。反驳是论证的一种特殊形式,因而论证的过程也是反驳的规则,正确的反驳必须遵守论证的规则。论证的种类也适用于反驳,反驳也可以分为直接反驳和间接反驳、演绎反驳和归纳反驳。(金炳华等,2001: 331)。




1. 威斯特伐里亚的批判家从爱的问题上流露出的批判言论中,在第209页上先抄了一些corpus delicti(罪证),然后从反驳中断章取义地引证了一些句子,企图把这些句子当作权威的根据,为自己的暧昧温存的感伤情绪作辩护。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:110-111

1. Of the examination of the critical outpourings about love, the Westphalian critic on page 209 first writes out the corpus delicti in part and then a few disconnected sentences from the refutation, which he desires to use as an authority for his nebulous, sickly-sweet sentimentality. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 113.

2. 圣麦克斯之所以把共产主义叫作“社会自由主义”,是因为他清楚地知道:自由主义这个词在1842年的激进派和最先进的柏林自由思想者那里是多么不受恩宠。这个转变同时就给了他理由和勇气来借“社会自由主义者”之口说出在“施蒂纳”之前从未说过的一切乱七八糟的东西,然后反驳这些东西,同时就是反驳共产主义。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:224

2. Saint Max calls communism “social liberalism”, because he is well aware how great is the disrepute of the word liberalism among the radicals of 1842 and the most advanced Berlin “free-thinkers”. This transformation gives him at the same time the opportunity and courage to put into the mouths of the “social liberals” all sorts of things which had never been uttered before ‘‘Stirner’’ and the refutation of which is intended to serve also as a refutation of communism. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 205.

3. 由此可见,蒲鲁东先生把劳动价值变为产品价值的“实际原因”,因为他以为工资(“劳动价值”的正式名称)构成一切东西的全部价格。正因为如此,扎伊尔的反驳使他感到惶惑不安。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:122

3. We have seen that M. Proudhon makes the value of labour the “determining cause” of the value of products to such an extent that for him wages, the official name for the “value of labour”, form the integral price of all things. That is why Say’s objection troubles him. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 96.


例句 1:
Disproval phenomena are very common in language. However, researches especially on this field are rarely seen. Additionally, many researches focus on the answers to interrogative sentences and overlook other functional sentences.

例句 2:
However, the “theory of loophole” must be reexamined because it is fiercely refuted by some scholars. 

例句 3:
The third part studies rebuttal speech act from the perspective of politeness theory. It states the necessity of the study in the first place and then evaluates the degree of face threatening in rebuttal speech act, and finally points out the effective ways of reducing face threatening and explores the method of application of politeness when rebutting.





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