

字词 后马克思主义




Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 450.


后马克思主义是西方自20世纪70、80年代起在西方马克思主义之后出现的研究马克思主义的流派(金炳华,2003:1036)。英国学者拉克劳和穆佛在1985年发表的《霸权与社会主义的策略》著作中首次提出后马克思主义这一概念(via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%25E5%2590%258E%25E9%25A9%25AC%25E5%2585%258B%25E6%2580%259D%25E4%25B8%25BB%25E4%25B9%2589)。后马克思主义倡导偶然的话语逻辑,主张把意识形态和经济及阶级要素完全剥离开来(via: http://baike.baidu.com/item/后马克思主义/873187)。后马克思主义认为,在新的历史时期,应当抛弃原先的“教条式”的马克思主义,用具有民主精神的后马克思主义取代传统的马克思主义(via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%25E5%2590%258E%25E9%25A9%25AC%25E5%2585%258B%25E6%2580%259D%25E4%25B8%25BB%25E4%25B9%2589)。在目前的西方世界,后马克思主义包括以下几个主要派别:一是以德里达位代表人物的解构主义的马克思主义,也称作“后结构主义的马克思主义”;一是詹明信的文化阐释学的马克思主义和马克思主义批评学派;一是解释学的马克思主义,尤其是后解释学的马克思主义;还有其他类型的后马克思主义。各种类型的后马克思主义之间虽有明显的差别,但并未泾渭分明,有些类型甚至互相交叉互渗透(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6549986-6763732.html#6549986-6763732-10)。后马克思主义对待马克思主义的态度分为左、中、右三翼。左翼以詹明信、索亚等人为代表;中翼以德里达、哈贝马斯等人为代表;右翼以拉克劳和穆佛等人为代表(via: http://baike.baidu.com/item/后马克思主义/873187)。尽管后马克思主义成分复杂、观点纷繁,但后马克思主义者都有着与后现代主义者相一致的批判精神;后马克思主义强调“话语”世界,主张意识形态、政治、经济三个层次都消融在“话语”、“言谈”和“谈论”之中;后马克思主义还强调对马克思主义进行革新或修正(金炳华,2003:1036)。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 后马克思主义.via:
[3] 后马克思主义.via: http://baike.baidu.com/item/后马克思主义/873187
[4] 后马克思主义.via: http://baike.baidu.com/item/后马克思主义/873187
[5] 后马克思主义.via:


1. 这样,所谓“后马克思主义”就明确指认了一种反马克思主义的立场:“传统马克思主义为,革命,这一全球性的答案,是一切个别问题得到行之有效的解决的前提而我们在这里认为,对个别问题的临时性的成功解决必然使我们承认一种基本的对抗、承认全球性解决的不可能性。” ——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:346

1. In this way, the so-called “post-Marxism” displays a distinct anti-Marxist feature: in traditional Marxism, the global solution-revolution is the condition of the effective solution of all particular problems, while here every provisional, temporarily successful solutions of a particular problem entail an acknowledgement of the global radical deadlock, the impossibility, the acknowledgement of a fundamental antagonism. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2014: 450.

2. 如今,后马克思主义是一种已经根深蒂固的理论立场。20世纪末期,马克思主义已经不再是一种全球性的文化和政治力量。在欧内斯托·拉克劳和尚塔尔·墨菲等主要理论家的著作中,这一理论立场试图从马克思主义的崩溃中拯救它的某些方面,重新定位它们,使之在快速变化的文化氛围中呈现出新的意义。现在,马克思主义在西方普遍被视为一种声誉扫地的思想体系,背负着威权主义与极权主义的负担,而威权主义和极权主义并不符合当前对(在理论和政治上)文化多元主义和自由主义的信奉。作为一种特定的理论立场,后马克思主义本身形成于拉克劳和墨菲的著作中。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:1

2. Post-Marxism is now a well-established theoretical position that, as in the work of such major theorists as Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, attempts to rescue aspects of Marxist thought from the collapse of Marxism as a global cultural and political force in the later twentieth century, and reorient them to take on new meaning within a rapidly changing cultural climate. Marxism is now generally regarded in the West as a discredited system of thought, carrying with it a burden of authoritarianism and totalitarianism at odds with the current commitment (theoretical as well as political) to cultural pluralism and libertarianism. This study traces the crystallisation of post-Marxism as a specific theoretical position in its own right in the work of Laclau and Mouffe. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 1.

3. 后马克思主义者已经不再试图弥合理论和现实之间的距离。在他们看来,这种距离是对马克思主义的解放政治伪装的嘲弄。他们有意地避免陷入那些关于马克思的真正观点和看法是什么的永无休止的内部争论,而经典马克思主义者对于这样一些争论具有永不满足的嗜好。他们不再为马克思主义的贫乏表现提供任何口,不再试图从内部重建理论。后马克思主义诞生于理想的幻灭,尽管它对一种摆脱马克思主义正统束缚的政治未来可能表现出乐观的态度。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:4-5

3. Post-Marxists have given up trying to bridge the gap between theory and reality that in their eyes makes a mockery of Marxism’s liberationist political pretensions, and studiously avoid being dragged into those interminable internal debates about what Marx really said or really meant, that classical Marxists have such an insatiable appetite for. They have become impervious to excuses for Marxism’s poor performance, and have given up trying to reconstruct the theory from within. Post-Marxism is born of disillusion, although it can express optimism about a political future free from the constraints of Marxist orthodoxy. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 3.


例句 1:
This thesis mainly discusses fundamental the points of Laclau’s “Post- Marxism”, and gives some meaning analyses on it.

例句 2:
The second purpose is to deal with the challenge and blame from postmodernism, post-Marxism and neoliberalism since the 1980s, so as to resolutely defend Marxism and Marxist feminism’s legitimacy and attempt to promote feminism to return to Marxism.

例句 3:
In this context, Laclau and Mouffe think that the traditional doctrine of Marx has been unable to deal with these “come unexpectedly changes”, in order to adapt to the development of new socialist movement, they put forward the so-called can achieve a Copernicus style revolution “after the Marx doctrine” theory of Marx’s theory.





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