字词 | 独断论 |
释义 | 独断论【英】dogmatism译文来源[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:244. 定义独断论,亦称“独断主义”、“独断哲学”,是一种用片面的、孤立的、绝对的观点分析和解决问题的形而上学观点。独断论泛指主观武断、反科学的哲学理论及在真理问题上僵化、凝固、崇尚绝对主义的理论。独断论思想早在古代哲学中就已存在,如中国西汉时董仲舒认为封建纲常出于天意,永世不变的观点,古希腊柏拉图把真理看成是永恒不变的观点,以及中世纪一些神学家把宗教教义作为真理的唯一标准的观点,都是是独断论的体现(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=uYptnmmztWtqknF1paKytqJMRjWuymu0cI6tdMp1kqRY7rJ6Ru5KAlVMs_i0KZg8kqfpeYu4vjX21yMoM-AcEK)。明确使用“独断论”这一概念的是康德,被康德用来批判莱布尼茨和沃尔夫的哲学。因为莱布尼茨和沃尔夫等人片面强调理性而摒弃感性经验,把一切真理和知识的来源归结为先天理智中潜在的天赋观念和自明原则,认为只有理智才提供具有普遍性的真理。独断论把一切事物和现象都看作是静止不动、永恒不变的,是典型的形而上学。自独断论诞生以来,遭到了来自各方面的批判。马克思主义哲学的出现,给独断论以致命的打击,唯物辩证法指出,独断论既是一种形而上学的思维方法,它否认两点论,用孤立的、绝对的对待世界上的万事万物;它更是一种主观唯心主义的错误世界观,是主观主义的一大表现。在认识和改造世界的过程中,要力戒独断论,广泛地调查研究,只有这样,才能坚持正确的道路,避免失误(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=uYptnmmztWtqknF1paKytqJMRjWuymu0cI6tdMp1kqRY7rJ6Ru5KAlVMs_i0KZg8kqfpeYu4vjX21yMoM-AcEK)。 定义来源via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=uYptnmmztWtqknF1paKytqJMRjWuymu0cI6tdMp1kqRY7rJ6Ru5KAlVMs_i0KZg8kqfpeYu4vjX21yMoM-AcEK 例句1. 生产的概念从未受到质疑,它就不可能从根本上克服政治经济学的影响。甚至马克思主义的超越观点,也无法摆脱对政治经济学的依赖。反对大写的必然性,就要反对大写的自然之控制,反对大写的匮乏,就要反对大写的丰裕(“各取所需”)。政治经济学既没有克服这些概念的独断论,也没有克服它们的唯心主义多元决定论。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:229 1. The concept of production is never questioned; it will never radically overcome the influence of political economy. Even Marxism’s transcending perspective will always be burdened by counter-dependence on political economy. Against Scarcity it will oppose Abundance (“to catch according to his needs”) without ever resolving either the arbitrariness of these concepts or their idealist over-determination by political economy. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 307 2. 开头我搞得是是我慨然称为形而上学的东西,也就是脱离了任何实际的法和法的任何实际形式的原则、思维、定义,这一切都是按费希特的那一套,只不过我的东西比他的更现代化,内容更空洞而已。在这种情况下,数学独断论的不科学的形式从一开始就成了认识真理的障碍,在这种形式下,主体围绕着事物转,这样那样议论,可是事物本身并没有形成一种多方面展开的生动的东西。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十卷)》,1982:10 2. First of all, came what I was pleased to call the metaphysics of law, i.e., basic principles, reflections, definitions of concepts, divorced from all actual law and every actual form of law, as occurs in Fichte, only in my case it was more modern and shallower. From the ouster an obstacle to grasping the truth here was the unscientific form of mathematical dogmatism, in which the author argues hither and thither, going round and round the subject dealt with, without the latter taking shape as something living and developing in a many-sided way. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 12. 3. 因此,我们看到,这两个人在每一个步骤上都是相互对立的。一个是怀疑论者,另一个是独断论者;一个把感性世界看作主观假象,另一个把感性世界看作客观现象。把感性世界看作主观假象的人注重经验的自然科学和实证的知识,他表现了漫游世界到处去寻求知识,进行实验和观察的不安心情。另一个把现象世界看作真实的人,则轻视经验,在他身上体现了自我满足的思维的平静和从内在原则汲取自己的知识的独立性。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十卷)》,1982:207 3. We thus see that two men are opposed to each other at every single step. The one is a sceptic, the other a dogmatist; the one considers the sensuous world as subjective semblance, the other as objective appearance. He who considers the sensuous world as subjective semblance applies himself to empirical natural science and to positive knowledge, and represents the unrest of observation, experimenting, learning everywhere, ranging over the wide, wide world. The other, who considers the phenomenal world to be real, scorns empiricism; embodied in him are the serenity of thought satisfied in itself, the self-sufficiency that draws its knowledge ex principio interno. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 45. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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