

字词 人身依附


personal dependency; personal dependence; dependency on men


[2]Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1972: 312.
[3]Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 482.






1. 在中世纪的社会里,特别是在最初几世纪,生产基本上是为了供自己消费。它主要只是满足生产者及其家属的需要。在那些有人身依附关系的地方,例如在农村中,生产还满足封建主的需要。因此,在这里没有交换,产品也不具有商品的性质。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十九卷)》,1963:223

1. In mediaeval society, especially in the earlier centuries, production was essentially directed toward satisfying the wants of the individual. It satisfied, in the main, only the wants of the producer and his family. Where relations of personal dependence existed, as in the country, it also helped to satisfy the wants of the feudal lord. In all this there was, therefore, no exchange; the products, consequently, did not assume the character of commodities. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1972: 312.

2. 第三,农民对地主的人身依附是这种经济制度的条件。如果地主没有直接支配农民人身的权力,他就不可能强迫那些分得土地而经营自己的经济的人来为他做工。——《列宁全集(第三卷)》,1986:161-162

2. Thirdly, a condition for such a system of economy was the personal dependence of the peasant on the landlord. If the landlord had not possessed direct power over the person of the peasant, he could not have compelled a man who had a plot of land and ran his own farm to work for him. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1977: 192-193.

3. 在马克思这里,与《1844年手稿》中对劳动异化的定性不同,这种资本主义经济现实中发生的劳动异化,在历史辩证法的客体向度中首先是进步的,人与人在客观关系上是不平等交换,是掠夺,片面性,客观颠倒,是不公正,但正是这种“恶”创造了魔鬼般的巨大生产力,然而它同时又必然是生产进一步发展的障碍;劳动异化在历史辩证法的主体向度上首先也是进步的,相对于过去的人身依附,它当然是一种解放,但是它又更深地形成新的物役性,造成主体性的沦丧,带来社会关系的异己性和对抗性。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:608-609

3. For Marx at this time, unlike his determination of labor alienation in the 1844 Manuscript, this labor alienation that takes place in capitalist economic reality is first progressive in terms of the objective dimension of historical dialectics. Objective inter-human relations are inequitable exchange, exploitation, one-sidedness, objective inversion, and unjust: this “evil” creates hellish productive force. However, at the same time, these relations are barriers to the further development of production. On the subjective dimension of historical dialectics, labor alienation is first progressive as well; relative to past dependency on men, this is of course a kind of liberation. However, on a deeper level, it leads to a new enslavement to material, to the loss of subjectivity, and causes alienation and conflict to enter social relations. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 482.


例句 1:
中国社会从计划经济社会转向市场经济社会,个人与社会的联结方式从“人身依附关系”转向“物的依赖关系”。——“ 当代中国社会个人生活价值体系的历史性转换”,载于《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》2014年第1期
When changing from planed economy to market economy in China, the connection between individual and the society also changed from personal bondage to material bondage.

例句 2:
In such a way, three characteristics, namely, the unique personal bondage of Feudalism in Western Europe, the polity of the personal alliance in principle of protections and obligations, the rights derived from the land, were carved out. 

例句 3:
Modernization, in essence, is a process from the traditional community, which is characterized by personal reliance and restriction, to the modern society, which is  characterized by individual independence and personal freedom..





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