

字词 金融寡头


financial oligarchy


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974:226.


金融寡头在经济领域中的统治主要是通过“参与制” 实现的。垄断资本集团首先掌握一些大银行或大企业作为“母公司”,通过它们收买并掌握其他公司的股票,控制许多 “子公司”; 再由 “子公司”用同样方法控制更多的 “孙公司”;如此逐级参与,层层控制,形成一个庞大的金融资本控制体系。这个体系最上层的为数极少的金融寡头,通过 “参与制”支配了比自有资本大许多倍的他人职能资本,扩大剩余价值的占有;并通过创办企业,发行有价证券,办理公债,贱价收买、改组亏本企业,进行土地投机以及包揽政府巨额军事定货等,获取高额垄断利润。
金融寡头在实现对国内的经济、政治统治的同时,还凭借其强大的经济、政治力量,通过资本输出和广泛建立跨国公司等手段,夺取国外市场、原料资源和势力范围,从而把其势力扩张到海外(罗肇鸿等,1995: 100)。




1. 现在我们应当来叙述一下,在商品生产和私有制的一般环境里,资本主义垄断组织的“经营”怎样必然变为金融寡头的统治。应当指出,德国(M且不只是德国)资产阶级学术界的代表人物,如里塞尔、舒尔采-格弗尼茨、利夫曼等人,完全是帝国主义和金融资本的辩护士。——《列宁全集(第二十七卷)》,1990:362

1. We now have to describe how, under the general conditions of commodity production and private property, the“business operations” of capitalist monopolies inevitably lead to the domination of a financial oligarchy. It should be noted that German—and not only German—bourgeois scholars, like Riesser, Schulze-Gaevernitz, Liefmann and others, are all apologists of imperialism and of finance capital. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22), 1974:226.

2. 但是,有关金融寡头骇人听闻的统治的骇人听闻的事实是太触目惊心了,所以在一切资本主义国家,无论是美国、法国或德国,都出现了这样一些著作,这些著作虽然抱着资产阶级的观点,但毕竟还是对金融寡头作了近乎真实的描述和批评,当然是小市民式的批评。——《列宁全集(第二十七卷)》,1990:363

2. But the monstrous facts concerning the monstrous rule of the financial oligarchy are so glaring that in all capitalist countries, in America, France and Germany, a whole literature has sprung up, written from the bourgeois point of view, but which, nevertheless, gives a fairly truthful picture and criticism—petty-bourgeois, naturally—of this oligarchy. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22), 1974:227.

3. 虽然资产阶级的诡辩家和机会主义的“也是社会民主党人”都期望(或者要别人相信他们期望)股票占有的“民主化”会造成“资本的民主化”,会加强小生产的作用和意义等等,可是实际上它不过是加强金融寡头实力的一种手段而己。——《列宁全集(第二十七卷)》,1990:363-364

3. The “democratisation” of the ownership of shares, from which the bourgeois sophists and opportunist so-called “Social-Democrats” expect (or say that they expect) the “democratisation of capital”, the strengthening of the role and significance of small-scale production, etc., is, in fact, one of the ways of increasing the power of the financial oligarchy. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22), 1974:228.


例句 1:
With the ups and downs in history, some of them are on the way to decline, whose leaders, the FOs(financial oligarchs)who are the center of popular controversy, have become transient figures in the transitional Russia. Most of the FICs and their leaders, however, are still taking an active part at the forefront of Russia's political and economic lives, their leaders being the actual masters of the Russian society.

例句 2:
The focus is the reasons for the outbreak of crises. Scholars' explanations are different and diverse. The explanations are as follows. The sovereign debt crises in European countries resulted from sub-prime mortgage crisis in America. i.e. American sub-mortgage crisis further development. Governance defect exists in the Euro zone. Unbalance of economic structure between southern and northern Europe. the growing population aging and high social welfare spending. International ratings agencies' action and cultu





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