

字词 人类学




[2]Anthropology. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropology


人类学一词是1501年德国学者洪德(M.Hundlt)最早使用的,指人体解剖和人的生理研究。从词源上考证,“Anthropology”一词,源自希腊文Anthropos+Logos,上一字是“人”,下一字有学问科学的意思,合言之意为研究人的科学。因此,人类学通常也被定义为“人的科学”。但是这个定义太过简单,容易使人误以为人类学的范围是无限大的,凡属于人的事情都在研究之列,而把人类学当作所有研究人与人事的科学,如生理学、心理学、社会学等的总称,反而取消了人类学独立的学科地位。因此,古典的人类学家们给人类学做出了更明确的定义,认为人类学是专门研究人类躯体的科学,如托皮那(Topinard)在1876年著的《人类学》中说:“人类学是博物学的一分科,为研究人及人种的学问”(徐杰舜,2005:2)。随着人类学的发展,其研究范围大大超出了旧定义的局限,产生了新派定义。英国人类学家马雷特(R.R.Marett)认为:“人类学是沉浸于演进的观念之全部人类史,以在演进中的人类为主题,研究在某时代某地方的人类,肉体与灵魂二方面都加以研究”(徐杰舜,2005:2-3)。马林诺夫斯基(Bronislow Malinowski)则说:“人类学是研究人类及其在各种发展程度的文化的科学。包括人类的躯体、种族的差异,文明,社会构造,以及对于环境之心灵的反应等问题之研究”(徐杰舜,2005:3)。这都是对旧定义的突破。简言之,人类学是一门研究人与人的行为方式的科学。这个定义,包含两层含义:一是研究人的起源及体质特征;二是研究人的行为方式,即人们通常说的文化。作为一门科学,人类学具有以下特征:第一,普同性,即现存的所有人类都是同一种属,任何一种人群都不比其他人群更为进化。第二,整体性,指人类学家把人类及其社会视为一个多面性的整体进行研究,既从文化的角度,又从生物的角度分析问题;既关注现实问题,又重视历史的因素。第三,整合性,指人类学家在考察人类及其社会形态时,注重考察人类文化的各层面是如何一起运作的(徐杰舜,2005:3)。




1. 逻辑学是精神的货币,是人和自然界的思辨的思想的价值——人和自然界的同一切现实的规定性毫不相干的、因而是非现实的本质,是外化的因而从自然界和现实的人抽象出来的思维,即抽象思维。这种抽象本质的外化和异化就是现实自然界和人类社会。最后,通过人的思维的本质抽象(还不是自身的人类学、现象学、心理学、伦理学、艺术和宗教),这个观念的“货帀”穿透感性现实的一切物质存在,“回到自己的诞生地” ——绝对精神。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:257

1. Logic—mind’s coin of the realm, the speculative or mental value of man and nature—its essence which has grown totally indifferent to all real determinateness, and hence unreal—is alienated thinking, and therefore thinking which abstracts from nature and from real man: abstract thinking. The alienation and estrangement of this abstract essence is the real natural world and human society. Ultimately, through the essential abstraction of man’s thought (not yet its own anthropology, phenomenology, psychology, ethics, art, or religion), this idea “coin” passes through all material existence in sensuous reality, “returns home to its own point of origin”— the Absolute Spirit. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 194.

2. 难道上帝自己不是用“对犹大家我如蛀虫,对以法莲家我如蛆虫”这样的话来表明自己对犹大家和以法莲家的态度吗?或者,(这对我们俗人说来更近一些)不是也有一种把全部人类学变成动物学的诸侯等级的著作吗?我们指的是研究纹章的著作。在那里人们可以看到比“有角者”和“有爪者”更稀奇古怪的东西。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,1960:154

2. Does not God Himself describe his attitude to the houses of Judah and Israel in the following terms: I shall be to the house of Judah as a moth and to the house of Israel as a maggot. Or, what is more familiar to us laymen, is there not a princely literature which turns all anthropology into zoology? We mean the literature of heraldry. That contains things still more curious than horn-men and claw-men. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 2002: 144.

3. 作为法国社会学大师涂尔干的外甥,莫斯在社会学、人类学领域的研究无疑是得天独厚的,他深得涂尔干社会学思想的真传。此外,他早年师从莱维、梅耶等社会学大师,在研究方法和梵文等方面也获益良多,为以后的人类学田野调查打下了重要的基础。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:152

3. The nephew of the eminent sociologist Emile Durkheim, Marcel Mauss had a favorite condition to pursue his studies of sociology and anthropology. He inherited many of Durkheim's sociological doctrines. In his early studies, he was also under the guidance of other sociologists, such as Claude Lévi-Strauss and Antoine Meillet. This experience benefited him much in studying methodology and Sanskrit, laying a sound foundation for his anthropological field research later. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 215.


例句 1:
The soul of Marxism anthropology is practical ethnography and historical ethnography, and the two comprise the embryonic form of “ scientifice anthropology” with the organic unityof synchronicity and diachronicity.

例句 2:
The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) is the most inluential academic association of international anthropology and ethnology.

例句 3:
In the late ten years Chinese social histroy studies are increasingly showing a trend of openness and diversity. Historical anthropology and regional social history rooted in the deep socio-economic history develop together and affect each other showing outstanding characteristics.





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