字词 | 阶级斗争、生产斗争、科学实验 |
释义 | 阶级斗争、生产斗争、科学实验【英】class struggle; the struggle for production and scientific experiment译文来源Deng Xiaoping: Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1995: 50. 定义阶级斗争、生产斗争、科学实验是毛泽东提出的一个重要论断。1963年,毛主席在对一个材料的批示中指出:“阶级斗争、生产斗争和科学实验,是建设社会主义强大国家的三项伟大革命运动,是使共产党人免除官僚主义、避免修正主义和教条主义,永远立于不败之地的确实保证,是使无产阶级能够和广大劳动群众联合起来,实行民主专政的可靠保证”(闻沧,1978:2)。这种提法在当时的历史条件下具有重要的意义。它指明了对于已经取得政权的无产阶级来说,无论是阶级斗争还是生产斗争和科学实验,都是伟大的革命运动,只有把这三大革命一起抓,无产阶级才能夺取同资产阶级斗争的最后胜利,夺取社会主义事业的最后胜利。阶级斗争生产斗争和科学实验是人类三项基本的社会实践,就阶级斗争同生产斗争、科学实验的关系来说,阶级斗争是纲,是统帅的东西,生产斗争、科学实验是目。 定义来源闻沧.三大革命一起抓才能立于不败之地[J].西北师大学报(社会科学版),1978(2). 例句1. 还有,毛泽东同志讲了四个现代化,还讲过阶级斗争、生产斗争、科学实验是三项基本社会实践,现在却把科学实验割裂出来了,而且讲都怕讲,讲了就是罪,这怎么行呢?恐怕在相当多的领域里,都存在怎样全面学习、宣传、贯彻毛泽东思想的问题。毛泽东思想紧密联系着各个领域的实践,紧密联系着各个方面工作的方针、政策和方法,我们一定要全面地学习、宣传和实行,不能听到风就是雨。——《邓小平文选(第二卷)》,1994:37 1. Moreover, he has talked about the four modernizations and has said that class struggle, the struggle for production and scientific experiment are the three basic components of social practice. Today, the last component has been dropped and people are even afraid to discuss it, its very mention being regarded as a crime. How can this possibly be right? I’m afraid that the problem of how to study, propagate and implement Mao Zedong Thought systematically exists in quite a few fields. Mao Zedong Thought is closely bound up with practice in every sphere, with the principles, policies and methods in every line of work. We must study, propagate and implement it in its totality and not base our conclusions on a partial understanding or an erroneous interpretation by others. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 2), 1995: 50. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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