

字词 总体国家安全观


a holistic view of national security


[1] CIPG/CATL. Keywords to Understand China [M]. New World Press, 2016:186.
[2] Xi Jinping. The Governance of China [M]. Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 221.


习近平指出,当前我国国家安全内涵和外延比历史上任何时候都要丰富,时空领域比历史上任何时候都要宽广,内外因素比历史上任何时候都要复杂,必须坚持总体国家安全观,以人民安全为宗旨,以政治安全为根本,以经济安全为基础,以军事、文化、社会安全为保障,以促进国际安全为依托,走出一条中国特色国家安全道路。贯彻落实总体国家安全观,必须既重视外部安全,又重视内部安全,对内求发展、求变革、求稳定、建设平安中国,对外求和平、求合作、求共赢、建设和谐世界;既重视国土安全,又重视国民安全,坚持以民为本、以人为本,坚持国家安全一切为了人民、一切依靠人民,真正夯实国家安全的群众基础;既重视传统安全,又重视非传统安全,构建集政治安全、国土安全、军事安全、经济安全、文化安全、社会安全、科技安全、信息安全、生态安全、资源安全、核安全等于一体的国家安全体系;既重视发展问题,又重视安全问题,发展是安全的基础,安全是发展的条件,富国才能强兵,强兵才能卫国;既重视自身安全,又重视共同安全,打造命运共同体,推动各方朝着互利互惠、共同安全的目标相向而行。(《中央国家安全委员会第一次会议召开 习近平发表重要讲话》, via:http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2014-04/15/content_2659641.htm)


《中央国家安全委员会第一次会议召开 习近平发表重要讲话》, via:http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2014-04/15/content_2659641.htm


1. 2014年4月,习近平在主持召开中央国家安全委员会第一次会议时强调,坚持总体国家安全观,以人民安全为宗旨,以政治安全为根本,以经济安全为基础,以军事、文化、社会安全为保障,以促进国际安全为依托,走出一条中国特色国家安全道路。贯彻落实总体国家安全观,必须既重视外部安全,又重视内部安全,对内求发展、求变革、求稳定、建设平安中国,对外求和平、求合作、求共赢、建设和谐世界;既重视国土安全,又重视国民安全,坚持以民为本、以人为本,坚持国家安全一切为了人民、一切依靠人民,真正夯实国家安全的群众基础;既重视传统安全,又重视非传统安全,构建集政治安全、国土安全、军事安全、经济安全、文化安全、社会安全、科技安全、信息安全、生态安全、资源安全、核安全等于一体的国家安全体系;既重视发展问题,又重视安全问题,发展是安全的基础,安全是发展的条件,富国才能强兵,强兵才能卫国;既重视自身安全,又重视共同安全,打造命运共同体,推动各方朝着互利互惠、共同安全的目标相向而行。----中国关键词,via: http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2015-09/07/content_36521463.htm

1. In April 2014, while presiding over the first meeting of the National Security Commission of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping emphasized the need to take a holistic view of national security. Through such an approach, a full spectrum of security issues are assessed, ranging from human security, which is the ultimate concern, political security, which is of overarching importance, and economic security, which underpins all other considerations, to military, cultural and social perspectives, which reinforce efforts in other areas, and the promotion of international security, which provides support for measures taken in a national context. Along this line of thinking we are setting out to build a national security system with Chinese characteristics. Such a holistic approach calls for a focus on both internal and external security. Internally, it is essential to promote development, continue reform, maintain stability, and create a safe environment. Externally, we should promote international peace, seek cooperation and mutual benefit, and strive to bring harmony to the world. Homeland security and the security of our citizens are both of paramount importance. All initiatives taken in this respect will be people-centered and implemented for the people, on the basis of the people’s needs, and with the support of the people. Security issues, both traditional and non-traditional, will be taken into account. The national security system we envisage will integrate not only political security and homeland security, but also security-related military, economic, cultural, and social concerns, science and technology, and information, ecological, resource, and nuclear security. Development issues will be considered in tandem with security issues. Development provides a basis for security, whereas security constitutes a necessary condition for development. Only a prosperous country can build a strong military, and only a strong military can defend our country. Our national security must also be viewed in the context of international security. For the sake of our international community with a shared future, we should all work towards our goal of satisfying the world’s security needs in a way that is beneficial to all. -Quoted from China Keywords, via: http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2015-09/07/content_36521463.htm

2. 要准确把握国家安全形势变化新特点新趋势,坚持总体国家安全观,走出一条中国特色国家安全道路。增强忧患意识,做到居安思危,是我们治党治国必须始终坚持的一个重大原则。我们党要巩固执政地位,要团结带领人民坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,保证国家安全是头等大事。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:200

2. We need to acquire an accurate understanding of new developments and trends of the situation of nationa1 security, adhere to a holistic view and develop nationa1 security with Chinese characteristics. In running the Party and the country, one of our basic princip1esis to remain keenly alert to potentia1 dangers and on guard against adversity in times of peace. To secure its 1eadership ro1e and unite the country in upho1ding and deve10ping socialism with Chinese characteristics, our Party should make national security its top priority. -Quoted from The Governance of China, 2014: 221.

3. 各地区各部门要贯彻总体国家安全观,准确把握我国国家安全形势变化新特点新趋势,坚持既重视外部安全又重视内部安全、既重视国士安全又重视国民安全、既重视传统安全又重视非传统安全、既重视发展问题又重视安全问题、既重视自身安全又重视共同安全,切实做好国家安全各项工作。要加强对人民群众的国家安全教育,提高全民国家安全意识。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:202-203

3. All regions and government agencies should implement China’s holistic view of national security, and acquire an accurate understanding of the new characteristics and trends of our national security. We should attach equal importance to external and internal security, homeland security and the people’s security, traditional and nontraditional security, development and security, our own security and the common security of the world, and carry out to the full all our work related to national security. We should promote national security education among all the Chinese people and enhance their awareness in this regard. - Quoted from The Governance of China, 2014: 224


例句 1:
The overall national security concept is an integral security concept, border security is of great importance to national security, which makes border security inevitably becoming focus of the overall national security.

例句 2:
The comprehensive national security concept, the comprehensive concepts of general secretary Xi Jinping dealing with the great changes facing CCP, China and the world at large, are important parts of Xi’s philosophy of governing China.

例句 3:
The overall concept of national security focuses on all security in China.





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