

字词 科学理论


scientific theory; theory of science


Althusser, L. For Marx [M]. The Penguin Press, 1969.


所谓科学理论是对某种经验现象或客观事实的科学解说和系统解释,也是对物质世界的正确反映。它是由一系列特定的概念、原理(命题)以及对这些概念、原理(命题)的严密论证组成的知识体系,它是客观论证,而非主观验证,可证伪性是判断科学与否的重要依据(科学理论.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/2120462.htm)。科学理论的结构由三个要素组成:概念;联系这些概念的判断即基本原理;由这些概念和原理推演出来的逻辑结论,即各种具体的特殊规律和预见。其中,基本概念和基本原理或命题构成了理论的核心元素。尽管理论有大有小,有粗有精,但堪称理论的,一定包含着这两个核心元素。它们通常也是识别某一理论的主要判别标准。科学理论具有解释和预测功能,并具有指导实践的内在倾向性。研究就是寻求解释,即对事件、现象、关系和原因作出解释。作为 科学研究的最终成果,科学理论的基本价值就在于向我们提供关于事实的界说和解释,引导我们取得对事实的认识。理解这一点很重要,这也有助于我们对科学家或理论家社会角色的认识。既然科学理论的基本功能是解释经验事实,这决定了科学家或理论家们的基本职责或首要职责是认识世界,扩展对经验事实的认识,通过理论创新不断增进理论解释能力(科学理论.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v48294.htm?fromTitle=科学理论)。


[1]科学理论.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/2120462.htm
[2]科学理论.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v48294.htm?fromTitle=科学理论


1. 人们还可能在分工问题上受骗,因为分工在《德意志意识形态》中起着第一位的作用,而在马克思青年时期的著作中,则是异化起着这个作用,因为分工对于整个意识形态理论和整个科学理论具有决定的意义。——《保卫马克思》,1984:17

1. Or again, it is possible to be taken in by the ambiguous role of the division of labour, which, in this book, plays the principal part taken by alienation in the writings of his youth, and commands the whole theory of ideology and the whole theory of science. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 37.

2. 此外,主要通过同黑格尔的接触,他弄懂了并学会了为建立一切科学理论所不可缺少的抽象,弄懂并学会了理论综合。以及由黑格尔的辩证法提供了范例的纯抽象过程的逻辑推理。——《保卫马克思》,1984:65

2. But also, and in his contact with Hegel par excellence, the feeling for and practice in abstraction that is indispensable to the constitution of any scientific theory, the feeling for and practice in theoretical synthesis and the logic of a process for which the Hegelian dialectic gave him a ‘pure’, abstract model. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 85.

3. 他将培根开始的“科学始于观察”这一近代科学的重要原则称之为“过时的神话”,其理由是现代科学并非始于实验。而是基于特定的科学理论框架。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:46

3. Bacon’s “science starts with observation,” an important principle in modem experimental sciences, is called by him “an out-of-date mythology,” because modem science never starts with experimentation, but is based on a specific framework of scientific theory. -Quoted from Back to Marx: A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 75.


例句 1:
The development of scientific theory does not follow a fixed model. The inductive-deductive model of Aristotle, Herschel and logical positvism describes the accumulation of the development of scientific theory. 

例句 2:
The conception of “paradigm” for Kuhn was putted forward for the opposition of the “scientific theory” even for substitutes.

例句 3:科学理论的结构问题是科学哲学的重要问题,基于公认观点的理论还原观与基于库恩范式理论的突现观展示了截然不同的科学进步的途径。——“科学理论的还原与突现——从公认观点与库恩范式理论看”,载于《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》2014年第2期
The structure of scientific theories is an important issue in the philosophy of science, in which theoretic reductionism based on received views and emergentism based on Kuhn’s paradigm theory take distinct paths of scientific progress.





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