

字词 独立思考


independent thought; independent mind; to think independently


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990: 376, 377.
[2] Deng Xiaoping. Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1995: 248.




[1] 白戈.提倡独立思考与追求真理的哲学精神[J].兰州大学学报(社会科学版),2001,29(2).
[2] 陈晓萍.独立思考精神:优秀学者的必备品质[J].心理学报,2010(1).


1. 卫兵勤务是同样陈腐的制度,按照往昔的观念,这种勤务兵——只要他们在这以前还不会——整整站两个小时的岗而决不想任何事情的技能,似乎也能促进士兵的智力发展,特别是他们的独立思考的能力。在当前普遍采用的野外警戒勤务训练条例之下,在有各种各样执行保安勤务的城市中,卫兵勤务已经失去了任何意义。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷)》,1965:442

1. Another similar obsolete institution is sentry duty, which according to an old traditional notion, also serves to develop the intelligence and especially the independent thought of the men by teaching them art—in case they are not already familiar with it—for standing guard and thinking of nothing at all for two hours. In view of the present universal custom of practicing outpost duty in the field, sentry duty in town, where there are after all security police of every kind, has become totally senseless. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1990: 376.

2. 最后,我还经常看到,在每一支军队中都有其特殊的因袭的传统,这种传统是专供下级官员、士兵和群众遵守的,是由高级官员培养起来的,但是只能引起那些能独立思考的军官们的嘲笑,而且在第一次行军时就会完全化为乌有—— 一句话,在这方面我有如此丰富的历史经验,我要奉劝人家正是对军事“权威的意见”要抱最不信任的态度。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷)》,1965:443

2. Finally, it has so often been my experience that in every army there is a particular conventional tradition intended for those of minor rank, the common soldier and the public, that is cultivated by the higher superiors but ridiculed by the officers of independent mind and reduced to nought by every campaign—in short, I have had so much historical experience of this that I would advise everyone to distrust nothing more than military “expertise”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1990: 377.

3. 草案把在工作中充分发挥创造性,作为党员的一项权利规定下来,是有原则意义的。这个规定,不但可以大大激发广大党员在党的纪律所允许的范围内,在工作中充分集中群众智慧,运用独立思考,实事求是地、创造性地解决问题,而且可以使许多惯于墨守成规。惯于不尊重党员群众创造性的领导人员,学会改变自己的作风,从而促进党内民主的高涨。——《邓小平文选(第一卷)》,1994:248

3. The draft Party Constitutions states that Party members enjoy the right of giving full play to their creative ability in work. This has the significance of a principle. It will greatly stimulate vast numbers of Party members to endeavor to the fullest extent possible within the rules of Party discipline, to bring together the wisdom of the masses, to think independently and to solve problems in a practical and creative way. Is will also effect a change in the work style of leading personnel who are stuck in a groove and disregarded the creative ability of rank-file Party members; this, too will help promote inner-Party democracy. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 1), 1995: 248.


例句 1:
This paper addresses the importance of independent thinking in the process of developing outstanding scholarship.

例句 2:
Independent thinking can obtain the gnosis of objective law beyond the idea world of perceptual life and reasonably establish real good life.

例句 3:
For traditional culture and exotic culture, we should always keep a critical attitude toward the selection to maintain independent thinking. In the process of integration of traditional culture and foreign culture, it is necessary to not only absorb the foreign culture from an all-round way, but also pay attention to national conditions. We should fully carry forward the national traditional culture and absorb foreign culture.





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