

字词 牺牲精神


spirit of self-sacrifice; spirit of self-denial


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:678.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 152.
[3] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977: 450.


牺牲精神,亦称“自我牺牲精神”、“ 献身精神”。为实现一定的理想或目的,甘愿牺牲小团体利益、个人利益甚至献出自己生命的精神(百度百科)。马克思恩格斯在论证牺牲精神时指出,“自我牺牲是一定条件下个人自我实现的一种必要形式”。牺牲精神是一种无私的表现,是个人对他人、对社会勇于承担义务的高尚行为,其特点是勇于舍弃自己,主要表现为自我牺牲精神和共产主义牺牲精神。自我牺牲精神,是指个人为了维护和保全社会整体利益或他人利益,自觉地舍弃、牺牲个人利益的高尚品质和崇高境界。奉献是自我牺牲精神的基本特征。不计较个人利益是其实质。有利于社会或他人是其出发点和归宿。自我牺牲精神既表现在日常生活中的乐于助人,扶危济困,见义勇为,表现在职业活动中的吃苦在前,享受在后,任劳任怨,乐于奉献;更表现在关键时刻或特殊情况下的舍己为人,舍生取义。共产主义牺牲精神是无产阶级同资产阶级的斗争中产生的。无产阶级在革命斗争中认识到,要推翻资本主义社会,实现共产主义,完成解放全人类的历史使命,必须随时准备牺牲个人利益甚至生命。无产阶级在建立社会主义社会之后,在个人利益与社会利益之间发生矛盾和冲突时,共产主义的牺牲精神要求人们把社会利益放在首位,个人利益服从社会利益,必要时不惜牺牲个人利益以维护社会利益。这种情况下的牺牲精神才有积极的社会意义。共产主义牺牲精神,一种高尚的自我牺牲精神,是共产主义道德的崇高体现,是共产主义运动的必然产物。产主义牺牲精神,一方面体现在只有解放全人类才能解放无产阶级自身的斗争中,另一方面又体现在共同利益寓于个人利益之中的实际生活里,使两方面和谐一致。它既使无产阶级为世界解放的长远利益而战斗,又使人民群众的生活水平、劳动条件逐步获得改善。两者是密不可分的,共产主义牺牲精神是自我牺牲精神的最高层次。




1. 绝对的批判下诏把这批轻装部队称为“我们的圣徒”、我们的“先知”、“主教”等等(见“轶文集”第二卷第89页)。这在当时自然也只能是一种“失误”,不过是“适宜的失误”。谁能够把轻装部队称为“主教”的部队呢?批判热情地谈论以“毕生的精力来思考、探讨和研究真理”的这批轻装部队所表现的自我牺牲精神、道德毅力和热忱,这又是一个“适宜的”失误。它在“基督教真相”一书的序言中声称,这批“轻装”部队“是不可战胜的”每个博学的人都事先保证说,他们一定会把整个世界翻转过来 “他们似乎是毫无疑问地真正能够赋予世界以新的面貌”,这也是一个“失误”。谁能够 赋予世界以新的面貌呢?这批轻装部队能够吗?——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:194

1. Of course it was only “an oversight' then too, but an “opportune” one, when the Absolute Critical All-high itself (cf. “Anekdota”, Book II, p.89) a called those light troops “our saints” “our “prophets”, “patriarchs”, etc. Who would call light troops a troop of “patriarches”? It was an “opportune” oversight when it spoke with enthusiasm of the self-denial, moral energy and inspiration with which these light troops “thought,worked—and studied—throughout their lives for the truth” It was an “oversight” when,in the preface to Das entdeckte Christenthum, it was stated that these “light” troops “seemed invincible and any one well-informed would have wagered that they would put the world out of joint” and that “it seemed beyond doubt that they would succeed in giving the world a new shape”. Those light troops? -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 152.

2. 难道那些丝毫不“同政治警察作斗争”的群众不是也在执行这样的“任务”吗?况且,如果除了少数领导者之外,没有那些丝毫不能“同政治警察作斗争”的工人(绝大多数的工人)参加,这样的任务难道是能够实现的吗?这样的工人,这些普通的群众,在罢工中,在街头上同军警的斗争中能够表现出巨大的毅力和自我牺牲精神,能够(并且也只有他们才能够)决定我们整个运动的结局,可是,为了同政治警察作斗争,就需要有特别的品质,需要有职业革命家。——《列宁全集(第六卷)》,1986:103-104

2. Cannot such a “task” be carried out even by masses that do not “struggle against the political police” at all? Could this task, moreover, be fulfilled if, in addition to the few leaders, it were not undertaken by such workers (the overwhelming majority) as are quite incapable of “struggling against the political police”? Such workers, average people of the masses, are capable of displaying enormous energy and self-sacrifice in strikes and in street battles with the police and the troops, and are capable (in fact, are alone capable) of determining the outcome of our entire movement—but the struggle against the political police requires special qualities; it requires professional revolutionaries. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1977: 450.


例句 1:
Ethically, it means a person’s selfless dedication to society and his/her spirit of self-sacrifice.

例句 2:
柳青的 “皇甫十四年”是当代文学“深入生活”无出其右的典范,但其意义不仅在于他的牺牲精神,更反映了20世纪中国文学生态的变化。——“‘柳青现象’与‘深入生活’”,载于《中国文学批评》2016年第3期
Liu Qing’s “Fourteen Years of Living at Huangfu” is an outstanding example of “deep into life” in contemporary literary history. It demonstrates the spirit of self-sacrifice, and it has reflected on the changes in the literary landscape of China in the 20th century.

例句 3:
In addition, Pu Songling created many notable female charaters that are endowed with the spirit of self sacrifice.





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