

字词 犬儒主义




Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 436.




[1] 孔明安.犬儒主义为什么是一种意识形态[J].现代哲学,2012(4).
[2] 张士菊,廖建桥.西方组织犬儒主义研究探析[J].外国经济与管理,2006(12).


1. 齐泽克和米勒则认为,在今天的资本主义现实中,那种以稳定的同一性象征身份为核心的主人能指已经为一种新的“变易的主体”所代替。在这里,人们不再简单维系象征身份的同一性,反倒开始消解这种同一性,并以不断暴露自己的所谓“不体面的”的“真实”(对象a)来确认主体的连贯性,如克林顿的性丑闻、小布什的口误。过去,这种非面目性的"真实"会使某种政治形象变得不可能,可如今,对象a的现身反倒会使这一政治形象变得生动可爱起来。这正是后现代的“变易的主体”,用齐泽克自己的一个说法,也可以叫犬儒主义的主体。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:334

1. For Zizek and Miller, in today’s capita1ist reality, that Master-Signifier with stable homogeneity of symbo1ic identity has become a new, “changed subject.”Now, people do not simp1y maintain the homogeneity that represents identity; instead, they begin to dissipate this homogeneity and keep displaying the so-called "indecent" "real" (objet-petit-a) to confirm the continuity of the subject, like, Clinton's sex scandal, Bush’s slip of tongue, etc. In the past, this non-evident “real” would render some political image impossible. Nowadays, presentation of objet-petit-a will make a certain political image appear vivid and lovely. It is the post-modem “changed subject,” also called by Zizek the subject of cynicism. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 435-436.

2. 相同的主题稍后出现在彼得·斯洛特迪基克(Peter Sloterdijk)的《犬儒理性批判》(Critique of Cynical Reason)—书中。按照《犬儒理性批判》的观点,主体以犬儒主义的认知方式对抗占据统治地位的意识形态,以斯洛特迪基克所说的犬儒主义态度嘲笑他们的统治者。这种观念是主体在作为一种制度的意识形态的运作过程中发现了高度的犬儒主义,但仍然选择了支持它的态度。当齐泽克声称意识形态的基础是一种幻想时,他进一步深化了这种解读,因此我们可以这样看待主体,“他们知道,他们在活动中追寻的是一种幻想,但是他们仍然这样做”。再者,这就是作出一种对马克思主义者来说只能是反直觉的选择的例子。利奥塔之所以要拒绝马克思主义,是因为它无法解释我们本性中的这种反直觉方面或者一般社会生活中的偶然性。马克思主义不可能遏制里比多,它总是逃避马克思主义的权威主义计划。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:171-172

2. A slightly later take on much the same theme can be found in Peter Sloterdijk’s Critique of Cynical Reason, where subjects conform to the dominant ideology in a cynical, knowing fashion, often mocking their rulers in the attitude dubbed ‘kynicism’by Sloterdijk. Here the notion is that the subject realises the high degree of cynicism involved in the workings of ideology as a system, but chooses to go along with it nevertheless. Zizek takes this reading a step further when he claims that ideology is based on a fantasy, such that we can say of subjects: ‘they know that, in their activity, they are following an illusion, but still, they are doing it.’ Again, it is a case of making a choice which can only appear counter-intuitive to a Marxist. Marxism is to be rejected for Lyotard because it fails to explain this counter-intuitive side of our natures, or the contingency of social existence in general. The libido cannot be contained by Marxism, it always escapes its authoritarian plans. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 110.


例句 1:
Cynicism comes from a philosophy school of ancient Greece. Kanter and Mirvis carried out a research among American employees in 1989. The study found that an obvious phenomenon appeared in American society. The phenomenon was a series of negative attitude gradually replaced loyalty and team spirit, such as distrust, selfishness and beware of others.

例句 2:
Organizational cynicism refers to a negative attitude an individual holding on towards his or her hiring organization, which consists of three dimensions, that is belief, emotion and behavior.

例句 3:
Organizational cynicism is a negative attitude characterized hopelessness, frustration and disillusionment, which prevails in organizations. Many negative organizational phenomena could be attributed to organizational cynicism.





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