

字词 暴力




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:344.
[2] Violence. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence




[1] 〔英〕博托莫尔(Bottomore,Tom).马克思主义思想辞典[Z].陈叔平等译.河南人民出版社,1994:620-621.
[2] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集(第十八卷)[M].上海辞书出版社,1964.


1. 科伦11月14日。民主主义者莱茵区域委员会号召莱茵省各民主团体立即召开会议,并在附近各个地区举行民众大会,发动莱茵省全体居民拒绝纳税;这是反抗政府以暴力对待普鲁士人民代表会议的最好办法。必须劝告居民,叫他们不要用任何暴力反抗可能按行政方式进行的征税;同时应该建议居民在强制出售财产的情况下不要进行交易。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第六卷)》,1961:24

1. Cologne, November 14. The Rhenish District Committee of Democrats calls upon all democratic associations in the Rhine Province immediately to convene their associations and organize everywhere in the neighborhood popular meetings in order to encourage the entire population of the Rhine Province to refuse to pay taxes, since this is the most effective means to oppose the arbitrary acts committed by the Government against the assembly of Prussian people’s representatives. It is necessary to advise against any violent resistance in the case of taxes collected under a writ of execution, but it can be recommended that at public sales people should refrain from bidding. -Quoted from Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 8), 1977: 24.

2. 这时,法国的制宪议会被解散了,各地都在激烈的骚动中准备新的选举;而在德国的东部边境,匈牙利人通过连续不断的光辉的胜利在不到一个月的期间把奥地利的侵略浪潮从蒂萨河压回到莱达河,每天都有进占维也纳的可能。总之,人民的俄想象到处都达到了最高点,而各联邦政府的挑衅政策也一天天更加露骨,暴力冲突都必不可免了,只有怯懦的低能儿才会相信斗争可以和平解决。但正是这种怯懦和低能在法兰克福议会里得到了最广泛的表现。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:99

2. At the same time, the Constituent Assembly of France dissolved, and the new elections were prepared amid violent agitation, while in the eastern frontier of Germany the Hungarians had within a month, by a succession of brilliant victories, rolled back the tide of Austrian invasion from the Theiss to the Leitha, and were every day expected to take Vienna by storm. Thus, popular imagination being on all hands worked up to the highest pitch, and the aggressive policy of the Governments defining itself more clearly every day, a violent collision could be avoided, and cowardly imbecility only could persuade itself that the struggle was to come off peaceably. But this cowardly imbecility was most extensively represented in the Frankfort Assembly. -Quoted from Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 83.

3. 真的,为了拜倒在“法制、安宁和秩序”面前,为了抗议革命并为反对无政府状态、暴力和专横的疯狂叫嚣帮腔,真是选择了一个良好时机!这是时机选的很恰当,因为正好是这个时候,在刺刀和大炮的保护下,革命被正式污蔑为刑事犯罪;正好是在这个时候,根据国王签署的诏书毫不掩饰地在实行“无政府状态、暴力和专横”;正好是在这个时候,宫廷权奸强加于我们的“法律”总是被用来对付我们,而不是保护我们;正好是这个时候,所谓“安宁和秩序”就在于使反革命得到“安宁”,以便恢复它自己的旧普鲁士的“秩序”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第六卷)》,1961:243

3. Indeed, the time has been well chosen to bow down before “law, tranquility and order”, to protest against the revolution, and to concur in the cheap outcry against anarchy, acts of violence and arbitrariness! It has been well chosen, at the very moment when under the protection of bayonets and cannons the revolution is officially branded as crime, when “anarchy, acts of violence and arbitrariness” are openly put into practice through ordinances countersigned by the King, when the “law”, imposed on us by the camarilla, is always used against us and never for us, when “tranquility and order” consist in leaving the counter-revolution in “peace”, so that it can re-establish its old-Prussian “order” of things. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 8), 1977: 278.


例句 1:
Through the interpretation of the text, we found that the relationship which Engels thought between the economy and violence, Engels emphasize that political violence depends on the economic in the level of in the final analysis.

例句 2:
He argue that dictatorship of the proletariat its revolutionary violence or mandatory power, and is the unity will during Soviet Russian recovering and developing production.

例句 3:
Over a long period of time, people used to regard Marxism as a “violent revolution”, “revolutionary war”, “class struggle”, and think there is a mutually exclusive “negative relationship” between the Marxism and the peace.





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