

字词 农业生产理论


theory of agricultural production


JM Boussard. Mathematical Programming and the Theory of Agricultural Production [J]. Mathematical Programming & the Theory of Agricultural Production, 1970.


农业生产理论通常指的是农业生产问题上的理论观点。农业生产即为农业上的生产活动。通常情况下,根据农业生产对象的不同,将农业分为种植业、畜牧业、林业、渔业和副业。世界上主要农业地域类型,基本分属畜牧业和种植业。(农业生产. via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=bvIlUpQvledKXAtKSOyPGxp7hnNG_-Kq5xFX4TEJ4wMkLMpYbo1FwxS_HFAyV5lZ1P9MLVGRCUw5e-detuG6kdPadrRz7FyEUfsIUv-TOGG7MqadM3QgTvXM96XvHXsW)关于农业生产,指导农业生产的理论,就是农业生产理论。农业生产理论探讨的问题通常与农业有关,例如“农业实行责任到户是马克思主义,不是修正主义”、“农业责任到户不是倒退到个体经济”、“我国50年代后农业的根本失误是不合理的生产关系”(郭崇毅,1982:17-20)等理论观点。


[1] 农业生产. via:
[2] 郭崇毅. 农业生产理论探讨三则[J]. 中国农村观察, 1982.


1. 难能可贵的是,杜尔哥始终以人的物质生产为线索说明历史的发展,虽然当时他还是错误地将农业生产视为唯一的生产。他认为,物质生产(农业生产)决定着社会的存在与发展,据此,社会进而被划分为两个阶级:“生产阶级,即土地耕种者阶级,以及不生产阶级,即包括社会中所有其他薪给人员的阶级”。在他看来,这两种阶级都在辛勤地劳动,前者通过劳动从土地中生产出财富,“为社会提供生活资料”;后者只是对生产出来的东西进行加工,使它们更具有适合人们使用的形式。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:37-38

1. This understanding of historical progression is commendable, even more so that Turgot consistently bases his discussion of historical development on human material production; however, he still mistakenly views agricultural production as the only true production. He contends that material production (agricultural production) determines the survival and development of society; accordingly, he divides society into two classes, the “productive class, or class of cultivators, and the stipendiary class, including all those members of society who receive wages.” In Turgot’s view, while these two classes both labor industriously, through labor, the first class is able to produce wealth from the land and “provide subsistence to society;” in contrast, the second class processes that which has been produced, transforming it into a form more suitable for human use. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 12-13.

2. 我们知道,法国重农主义被马克思称为“现代政治经济学的真正鼻袓”。重农主义恰恰是在批判重商主义的思考过程中出现的。他们的理论贡献集中于两点:一是反对重商主义的流通决定论,直接指认了财富来源于农业生产中的劳动;二是反对重商主义(以及全部中世纪)人为地干预经济生活,提出了经济运动中客观的“自然秩序”。 在第一个方面,处于当时欧洲滞后经济情状中的法国重农主义首次系统论证了物质生产的基始性和“各种物质组成部分马克思语)。问题在于,他们只是将生产的本质确定为土地上自然作物的物质生长,这是一种看得见的“多”。然而,重商主义所看重的商业不是生产,而工业生产只是加工,并没有自然物质上的“多”。因此,只有农业生产劳动才是获得“净产品”这种自然赐予的财富之源。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:46

2. We are familiar with the fact that Marx called the French physiocrats “the true forbears of modern political economy.” He was correct: in fact, physiocracy first appeared as a criticism of mercantilism. The theoretical contributions of the physiocrats can be summarized into two points. First, they opposed the theory of mercantilism that emphasized the determining role of circulation, claiming instead that wealth originated directly from the labor in agricultural production. Second, they were opposed to the mercantilist (and medieval), artificial meddling in economic life. They proposed an objective “natural order” in economic activity. In terms of their first contribution, the physiocrats, based in economically backward France, described for the first time the foundational nature and, as Marx put it, the “various material components” of material production. The problem with their conclusions, however, was that they only identified the nature of production as the material growth of natural crops; this was a visible “more”. They claimed that the commerce valued by the mercantilists was not production and that industrial production was only a kind of processing, without a creating a natural, material “more”. Therefore, according to the physiocrats, only labor in agricultural production produced “net products,” the only source of wealth in nature. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 19-20.

3. 重商主义与重农主义都不能抽象出创造财富的活动的具体形式,而斯密则抛开这种活动的所有具体规定,从而获得了劳动的抽象一般性。我们先不追问这种抽象性的现实基础,而来分析斯密理论的历史关联性。作为资产阶级产业(工业)资本利益代表的斯密,深刻地看到了法国重农主义的理论局限性与农业生产的关系:由于农业生产不具备现代意义上的劳动分工,人所需要的一切物品都由自己生产供给,所以也不存在现代意义上的交换。这当然还是一种十分落后和封闭的自然经济。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:49

3. While Smith abandons all the concrete rules governing this activity, thereby demonstrating the essence of labor as abstract and general, mercantilism and physiocracy were unable to abstract the concrete form of wealth-producing activities. For the moment, we will not investigate the real foundation of this abstract essence, but will rather analyze the historical relevance of Smith’s theory. As a representative of the capital interests of bourgeois production (industry), Smith was able to observe the relationship between the theoretical limitations of the French physiocrats and agricultural production in the real world. In physiocratic theory, agricultural production does not have divisions of labor as understood in the modern sense of the word, and all goods needed by humans are produced by humans themselves. As such, there is no exchange as we understand it. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 23.


例句 1:
To evaluate the influence of reservoir dick engineering on agricultural production and agricultural scale economy, this paper constructs a fixed effect model at first,in which Cobb-Douglas production function is chosen as the agricultural production function according to the real situation in China, and the influences of reservoir and embankment engineering, consumption of agricultural resources, scientific and technical level of agriculture and breeding, and the agricultural performance of reservoir and embankment engineering in different regions on agricultural output are measured effectively.

例句 2:
Endogenous Growth Theory is the theoretical basis used to study the effect of infrastructures on agricultural production while major methods adopted include Production Function Method, Cost function and Profit function Method, Cross-sectional Regression Method,and Vector Autoregressive (VAR).

例句 3:





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