

字词 规范


mode; norm


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1978: 304.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 244.


规范(mode, norm)又叫范式,“范式”的英文为“Paradigm”,源自希腊词“Paradeig-ma”,意指“模范”或“模型”,由美国哲学家托马斯·库恩于1962年在其经典著作《科学革命的结构》一书中提出。库恩对科学发展持“历史阶段论”,认为每一个科学发展阶段都有特殊的内在结构,而体现这种结构的模型即范式。库恩认为范式是指“特定的科学共同体从事某一类科学活动所必须遵循的公认的‘模式’,它包括共有的世界观、基本理论、范例、方法、手段、标准等等与科学研究有关的所有东西。”在1960年之后是指在科学领域和知识论行文中的思维的方式(《范式》,via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/范式)。它是符合某一种级别的关系模式的集合。关系数据库中的关系必须满足一定的要求,满足不同程度要求的为不同范式。在创建一个数据库的过程中,范化是将其转化为一些表的过程,这种方法可以使从数据库得到的结果更加明确。这样可能使数据库产生重复数据,从而导致创建多余的表。范化是在识别数据库中的数据元素、关系,以及定义所需的表和各表中的项目这些初始工作之后的一个细化的过程(《规范》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6298095-7588792.html)。


[1] 范式.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/范式
[2] 规范.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6298095-7588792.html


1. 在他的一生中,他已习惯于早已失去意义的礼节,习惯于公认的行为规范和只具有礼节性质的庆祝仪式,——用你们破坏偶象的幽默来讲,这就叫做shams;他从来没有听说过在这些东西中有什么不好的东西,没有这些也能取得成绩。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第七卷)》,1959:304-305

1. He has been used to decent forms long since fallen empty of meaning, to plausible modes, solemnities grown ceremonial, —what you in your iconoclast humour call shams, —all his life long; never heard that there was any harm in them, that there was any getting-on without them. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 304.

2. 另外,在美国,在没有封建传统的情况下,由于能直接运用资本主义的价值规范,因而统治阶级能够行使巨大的意识形态领导权。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:195

2. Again, in the USA, the ruling class could exercise enormous ideological hegemony owing to its ability directly to apply capitalist values in the absence of any feudal tradition. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 203.

3. 如同施瓦茨(Schwartz)所写的那样:“‘无产阶级’这一术语已经要求有新的内涵了。它已逐渐指涉一系列可为党和群众树立起真正集体主义行为规范的无产阶级道德品质。从很大程度说,它已同具体的阶级所指意义相分离。” ——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:233

3. Thus, as Schwartz has written: ‘The term “proletarian” had already acquired new connotations. It had already come to refer to a cluster of proletarian moral qualities which could be set before both Party and masses as a norm of true col1ectivist behaviour. To a considerable extent, it had already been disengaged from its concrete class reference.’ -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 244.


例句 1:
From the level of judicial, legislative and theoretical research, our mandatory norms of civil law have many issues.

例句 2:
Functional theories of translation explain the relationship between the purpose of advertisement translation and translation procedures. At the same time, these translation procedures are confined by the norms theory of the descriptive translation study.

例句 3:
Procurator’s ethics norms is an important part of legal ethics and judicial system.





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