字词 | 第三者 |
释义 | 第三者【英】The third man argument译文来源Third man argument. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_man_argument 定义第三者,亦称“无穷倒退”。古希腊罗马哲学用语。论证柏拉图模仿说和分又说的逻辑论据。柏拉图曾用模仿说来解释彼此分离的理念和同名可感事物的结合。但他后来再《巴门尼德篇》第二部分中又对此提出不同一件,认为如肯定一个理念和另一类同名可感事物是彼此分离对立的,势必要肯定另一个更高的具有两者共同性质的理念(即第三者),与这对彼此分离的理念和可感事物相对立,如此则会推而广之以至无穷。亚里士多德在批评理念论时指出模仿说会导致无穷倒退。如肯定可感事物由于模仿同名理念而派生,由于理念(第一者)和这组事物(第二者)是同名的,它们之上就应另有一个理念(第三者),以此类推,同样导致无穷倒退。古希腊怀疑学派用以论证对对象的认识的真理性是不可能的论据质疑。埃奈西德穆、阿格利巴、美诺多托斯等相继提出论证悬搁论断的十种、七种、二种论式,贯彻其中的逻辑论据之一就是无穷倒退。认为关于对象的直接或间接认识都是不可能成立的,因为这些论据本身的真实性,还要易老其他论据来论证,如对对象A1的认识,要依靠论据A2, A2需要依靠A3……An-1直至无穷(金炳华,冯契,2001:1556-1557)。 定义来源金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001. 例句1. 如果利用他“自有的”那套同位语,那就会成为这样:他对自己是以无规定作为规定来与任何现实的规定对立,他每时每刻都把自己同无规定者区别开来,因此,他每时每刻也是和现在的他不同的另一个人,是一个第三者,而且是完全另一个人,神圣的另一个人,同任何唯一性对立的另一个人,无规定的人,普遍的人,普通的人,总之,是一个游民。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1960:329 1. In his “own” series of appositions this would assume the following form: as opposed to all real determination, he chooses absence of determination as his determination, at each moment he distinguishes between himself and the undeterminated, thus at each moment he is also some other than he is, a third person, and indeed the other pure and simple, the holy other, the other counterposed to all uniqueness, the undeterminated, the universal, the ordinary—the ragamuffin. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 291. 2. 产品进行交换的数量比例,起初完全是偶然的。它们之所以取得商品的形式,是因为它们是可以交换的东西,也就是说,是同一个第三者的表现。继续不断的交换和比较经常的为交换而进行的再生产,日益消除这种偶然性。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思辩证法的研究》,1996:146 2. The quantitative ratio in which products are exchanged is at first quite arbitrary. They assume the form of commodities in as much as they are exchangeable, i.e. expressions of one and the same third. Continued exchange and more regular reproduction for exchange reduces this arbitrariness more and more. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 85. 3. 他认为,黑格尔为了缝合康德和超越费希特、谢林,的确将主体与客体的两极性直接纳入到他的观念逻辑总体中,他的做法是将主体与客体的辩证法(理念本身的反思关系)本身变成了绝对主体,直接指认这种关系辩证法就是“存在的结构”(海德格尔亦然,他也是由此生出非二元非沉沦的内省存在的意向性关系本体论)。看起来,这个非二元的关系是一个二元分立之外的新的第三者,一个拯救者。可是,阿多诺坚持认为,“这个第三者同样是骗人的”。——《文本的深度 耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:22 3. Hegel absorbs the subject-object polarity into his logic of concept in order to bridge the gap in Kant and surpass Fichte and Schelling. By doing so, he turns the dialectics of subject and object (the reflective relations of idea itself) into an absolute subject. He directly identifies this kind of dialectics as “the structure of Being” (Heidegger also formulates the similar ontology relations which is non-dualistic, non-falling and self-reflective). It seems that, the non-dual relations piece a third out of the opposition between the two, a rescuer. However, Adorno insists, “the third would be no less deceptive”. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 42. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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