

字词 第三国际


the Communist International; the Third International


[1] Communist International. via:
[2] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1971: xiii.


第三国际又名共产国际,是1919年3月4日在列宁领导下成立的共产党和共产主义组织国际组织,总部设于苏联莫斯科。第一次世界大战爆发后,第二国际陷于分裂。1918年11月,由布尔什维克发起在彼得格勒召开欧美各国左派社会党人代表会议,作出筹建第三国际的决议。次年1月,在莫斯科召开8个共产党和共产主义小组及左派社会党的代表会议,并以8个党的名义发出召开第三国际成立大会的邀请书。同年3月,在莫斯科召开第三国际第一次代表大会,有来自21个国家的35个政党和团体的52名代表参加(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5978049-6191010.html)。第三国际是统一的世界共产党,各国共产党都作为它的支部,直接受它领导。它是高度集中的领导中心,统一领导各国革命运动,各国党必须执行它的决定。它有权决定各国党的路线、策略和各国党的领导人,可以否定或修改各国党的决定,开除和解散任何一个支部,向各国党派出常驻代表。1943年5月15日,共产国际执行委员会主席团作出《关于提议解散共产国际的决定》,并于5月25日公开宣布《解散共产国际的决议》,声言这是为了适应反法西斯战争的发展,便于各国共产党独立处理问题。5月26日,中共中央发表决定,完全同意解散共产国际。第三国际存在的24年间,作为国际共产主义运动的组织者和领导者,对许多国家建立共产党,对传播马克思列宁主义和培养革命干部,对各国无产阶级和被压迫人民的解放事业,对世界人民反对法西斯主义的斗争,起了重大的历史作用(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5978049-6191010.html)。


via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5978049-6191010.html


1. 加之维也纳是一个国际中转站,我们与德国、法国、意大利以及其他国家的共产主义者经常接触。在这种情况下,《共产主义》杂志应运而生,是毫不足奇的。一段时期内,这家杂志成了第三国际中各种极左思潮的主要机关报。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思辩证法的研究》,1996:6

1. Moreover, Vienna was an international transit point, so that we were in continuous contact with German, French, Italian and other Communists. In such circumstances it is not surprising that a magazine called Communism was founded which for a time became a focal point for the ultra-left currents in the Third International. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: xii-xiii.

2. 当然,甚至在第三国际中,季诺维也夫和他的门徒们就已经采用了官僚主义的方法,同样,列宁在其重病缠身的晚年就一直渴望解决如何能在无产阶级民主的基础上客服苏维埃共和国日益增长的、自发产生的官僚主义化的问题。但即使在这里,我们也能看到过去和现在的宗派主义的区别。我关于匈牙利党的组织问题的文章就是针对季诺维也夫的门徒库恩·贝拉的理论和实践的。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思辩证法的研究》,1996:7

2. Of course, it is true that even in the Third International Zinoviev and his disciples introduced bureaucratic methods, just as it is true that Lenin’s last years, at a time when he was already burdened by ill-health, were filled with anxiety about the problem of fighting the growing, spontaneously generated bureaucratisation of the Soviet Republic on the basis of proletatian democracy. But even here we perceive the distinction between the sectarians of then and now. My essay on questions of organisation in the Hungarian Party is directed against the theory and practice of Zinoviev’s disciple, Béla Kun. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: xiii.

3. 这个电文,延安到今天还没有收到,但其内容已经明白,据说是第三国际既已解散,中国共产党也应“解散”,还有“马列主义已经破产”云云。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:906

3. This telegram has not reached Yenan to this day but its contents are clear. It says, we are told, that since the Third International has been dissolved, the Communist Party of China should likewise be “dissolved”, that “Marxism-Leninism has been discredited”, and so on and so forth. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 126.


例句 1:
The third International tried to substitute the bourgeois’ press freedom for the proletarians’, and further limited internal debate of the party, pressed opposing speech and strived for press freedom for some people. 

例句 2:
In the early years of 20th century, there were three different types of Marxist ideological waves coming into being in the West. First was the second international traditional ideological wave created by Bernstein and Kautsky; second was the third international traditional ideological wave which was originated in The Soviet Union and Russia and was totally accepted by the Communist theorists in the West, and the third was the western Marxism put forward first by Lukacs, and finally inherited and developed by the Frankfurt Group. 

例句 3:
The social and historical viewpoint of the early western Marxism is formed during the dee





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