

字词 工业经济学


industrial economics




工业经济学(industrial economics)是研究工业经济发展及对其进行社会管理的规律性的学科。工业经济学作为一门独立的学科,是在生产资料公有制基础上的社会主义国家形成的。它以马克思主义政治经济学为基础,最初创立于1917年十月革命后的苏联。工业经济学是一门历史不长的新兴学科。但是,工业经济理论则有很长的发展历史,它是伴随着机器大工业一起诞生,伴随着机器大工业的发展而发展的。在资本主义国家中,工业经济理论的发展反映出资本主义发展各阶段的特点(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/9236041-9569377.html)。在资本主义上升时期,古典经济学企图说明劳动在工业生产中的作用而提出劳动价值论。在资本主义确立以后,庸俗经济学企图说明资本在工业生产中的作用而提出均衡价格理论、资本与土地和劳动的三要素论、边际效用理论等。在资本主义国家中,工业经济理论的发展反映出资本主义发展各阶段的特点。在资本主义上升到垄断阶段,为了克服垄断带来的社会基本矛盾,资产阶级经济学和管理学中,出现了以反托拉斯为主要内容的规模经济理论和产业组织理论;强调政府干预经济作用,研究政府的财政政策、货币政策等经济政策作用的宏观经济理论;为防止社会生产的比例失调,对各经济部门的数量关系进行定量分析的投入产出平衡法(via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/工业经济学)。


[1] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/9236041-9569377.html
[2] via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/工业经济学


1. 目前西方社会中的后现代思潮也在批判“一”,但他们架空了这种资本主义工业经济的主导性,因而是反动的。因为,当今世界同一性的现实基础是资本的国际化。在这一点上,杰姆逊的分析是正确的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:522-523

1. The post-modern school of thought in today’s Western society also critizes this “One,” but because it is built on the weak foundation of the capitalist industrial economy, it is reactionary. This is because the real foundation of the identity of the modern world is the internationlization of capital. Fredric Jameson’s analysis of this point is correct. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 411-412.

2. 马克思称他又“大大地前进了一步”,因为“他抛开了创造财富的活动的一切规定,——干脆就是劳动,既不是工业劳动、又不是商业劳动、也不是农业劳动,而既是这种劳动,又是那种劳动”,这才有了“创造财富的活动的抽象一般性,也就有了被规定为财富的对象的一般性,这就是产品一般,或者说又是劳动一般,然而是作为过去的、物化的劳动”。这就是劳动一般在现代工业经济发展中的历史性生成。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:542

2. Marx refers to Smith’s theories as an “immense step forward,” because he “threw out every limiting specification of wealth-creating activity –not only manufacturing, or commercial or agricultural labour, but one as well as the others, laobour in general.” Thus “the abstract university of wealth-creating activity we now have the university of the object defined as wealth, the product as such or again labor as such, but labour as past, obectified labor.” This is the hisorical process by which labour in general came into being in the development of the modern industrial economy. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 428.

3. 还有人说,在农耕时代,一个人读几年书,就可以用一辈子;在工业经济时代,一个人读十几年书,才够用一辈子;到了知识经济时代,一个人必须学习一辈子,才能跟上时代前进的脚步。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:403

3. It is also believed that in the age of agro-farming, a few years of study sufficed for one’s lifetime, in the age of industrial economy, one had to study for at least ten years to obtain all the knowledge necessary for one’s life, and in this age of knowledge economy, one has to keep up with the times through life-long study. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 450.


例句 1:
The report starts from clarifying the present situation of the internal consultants in the government system of China in terms of the theory of industrial economics.

例句 2:
When changes from the objective foundation of industrial economics took place and traditional industrial economics is hard to steer, how does industrial economics make self-readjustment and self-development?

例句 3:





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